I was looking for a ListPreference in which the user can change the order of items from a list. The items would be draggable and can be re-ordered by the user.
I saw this in my custom ROM (and I'm almost sure I saw it in Cyanogenmod) for the QuickPanel. Here's a screenshot to get the idea through:
I know how I can make custom ListView items and set the icon to indicate that the items are draggable, but I don't know how to make them draggable, and change the order accordingly. As for saving them in the preferences, I found this which could be implemented easily.
PS 的:我知道了CyanogenMod是开源的,但我无法找到源出于此特定的事物:(最接近我能得到的是这个,这应该是附近的另一个屏幕的某个地方......
PS: I know Cyanogenmod is open-source, but I couldn't find the source for this particular thing :( The closest I could get was this, which should be somewhere near the other screen...
Thanks in advance for any tip about this.
UPDATE: I ended up using the files from the accepted answer, with additions and modifications. I am listing them here for further reference.
Use a custom Adapter (ArrayAdapter in my case), to implement the visual feedback that this item is draggable, which is an ImageView near the TextView. This is optional.
设置DragListener和的removeListener相应地更新列表。 ListView控件不会自动做。它取决于你所使用的适配器。
Set a DragListener and RemoveListener to update the list accordingly. The ListView does not do that automatically. And it depends on the Adapter you are using.
有一条线,铸造视野下的一个ViewGroup中,它取得了一些错误,所以我删除的演员,没有任何问题,这是没有必要的。 (在onInterceptTouchEvent法)。
There was a line that casted a View to a ViewGroup, it made some errors, so I removed the cast without any issue, it was not needed. (in the onInterceptTouchEvent method).
修改 mRemoveMode = 1;
在TouchInterceptor,或之一的构造函数: FLING = 0;滑动= 1; TRASH = 2;
Change mRemoveMode = 1;
in the constructor of TouchInterceptor, or one of: FLING = 0; SLIDE = 1; TRASH = 2;
. I think for TRASH
, a resource should be available too.
I actually took the file not from the answer's link but from the Cyanogenmod one, which I already had, but I guess these files were the same.
These are the actual files in the project (at r12, at the time of writing):
- <一个href="http://$c$c.google.com/p/jlyr/source/browse/src/com/jlyr/$p$pference/Providers$p$pference.java"相对=nofollow>使用此ListView中的preference
- 与监听器和适配器 的ListActivity
- 实际的ListView
- The Preference using this ListView
- The ListActivity with the listeners and the Adapter
- The actual ListView
I hope it helps somebody else :)
There is no built-in widget to do this, but you may want take a look at the custom implementation used by the AOSP music player to allow for re-ordering of songs in playlists.
这是扩大ListView和负责处理所有的MotionEvents和重复订购的物品,以及检测挥笔删除项目的类。你可以看到它落实到一项活动在这里的 TrackBrowserActivity.java 类。
That's the class which is extending ListView and is responsible for handling all of the MotionEvents and re-ordering its items, as well as detecting swipes for deleting items. You can see it implemented into an activity here in the TrackBrowserActivity.java class.
It has three interfaces you should also be aware of: DragListener, DropListener, and RemoveListener. You can use these interfaces to provide it callbacks to fire for those events, so that you can update changes made to the list order to your SavedPreferences (since the ListView will not handle that for you).
You can easily extend or modify the TouchInterceptor class to add additional functionality since the low-level stuff is all there for you.