I've tried to change the background color of specific items in a ListView
first, catch it from database:
ListAdapter adapter = new ArrayAdapter(getApplicationContext(),
android.R.layout.simple_list_item_1, db.getAllApps());
final ListView list = (ListView) findViewById(R.id.ListViewApps);
// if app is activated in db --> set another colour in ListView
private void setAppCheck(ListView list) {
List<String> apps = db.getAllApps();
for (int i = 0; i < list.getCount(); i++) {
if (db.appActivated(apps.get(i)).equals("activated")) {
list.setBackgroundColor(0xffaaaaaa); // it changes ALL items...
} else {
// do nothing
和存在的问题,以 list.setItemChecked(我,真)
我可以用一个特定的位置改变它,但我要如何改变特定的背景颜色在 ListView项
And there is Problem, with list.setItemChecked(i, true)
I can change it with a specific position, but how do I change the Background color of the specific Item in the ListView
做你试图做的是写自己的支持两个视图类型:启动应用程序和应用程序关闭。然后在你的 getView
The cleanest way to do what you're trying to do is writing your own CursorAdapter supporting two view types: activated apps and deactivated apps. Then in your getView
method, when you're inflating your views, you can set the background color accordingly.
有两个项目类型将自动进行Android框架只传递观点的正确类型的转换为 getView
Having two item types will make the Android framework automatically pass only convert views of the correct type to getView
, so the only time you need to check for the type is during creation.
You may find this answer helpful.
In Android, Adapter
s are used to translate your data (in your case from an SQLite database) into View
s that can be displayed in listviews, spinners, etc. (AdapterView
to be specific). One of the most commonly used ones is the CursorAdapter
which has basic infrastructure necessary when the associated data is supposed to be read from a cursor.
- getViewTypeCount
You will mainly need three methods in your adapter:
- getViewTypeCount
which will tell the framework how many types of views your adapter knows. For you this will be two: activated and deactivated apps.
which, when passed a specific position in the data (here: the cursor), is able to decide which of those types that position falls into. For this, you will likely be able to reuse yourdb.appActivated
code, at least in large parts.
, which, when passed a position, can turn the data associated with that position into a View
for display. Let's look at that last part in more depth.
Android does some very nifty stuff to make sure your app is fast and slick and responsive. One of those things is, it will only keep enough views around for all positions in the list that are displayed. So, if you have a list that can display 10 items at a time, but your data holds a million records, it will still only keep 10 views around (well, actually, a few more from when stuff is scrolled off screen, but definitely not the one million it would require for every data record).
到时候真正将数据转化为可见光重新presentations - getView
- 它会通过一个老,previously可见,但现在关闭屏幕视图作为你的 convertView
参数,试图适应它来显示一个已经requeusted的数据(循环视图)。这是因为新的充气看法较为不仅仅是考虑现有的和不断变化的文本或图像或者其他更昂贵。你告诉它大概将有助于它的视图类型只能通过视图转换成 getView
When the time comes to actually turn data into visible representations - getView
- it will pass an old, previously visible but now off screen view (a recycled view) in as the convertView
parameter for you to try adapting it to display the data that's been requeusted. This is because inflating new views is comparatively more expensive than just taking an existing one and changing its texts or images or whatever. The view types you have told it about will help it to only pass the type of convert view into getView
that is appropriate for the position that's been requested.
This way, you need to only inflate a new view if the passed convert view is inappropriate somehow. And inappropriate, in this case, usually only means "if it is null". So, usually, what you end up with is something very close to this:
public View getView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent) {
if (convertView == null) {
convertView = // inflate a new view
// bind the convert view to the data, i.e. set its text views, images, and - in your case - background color
您可能想要观看了多个COM $的对$ phensive解释这一切是如何联系在了一起。
A video says more than a thousand words
You may want to watch this Google I/O keynote for a more comprehensive explanation of how it all ties together.