I am looking for some pointers to algorithms that should allow to tile with no overlap different size rectangles.
给出一组不同大小的矩形,将它们平铺在H x W大小的区域上,不重叠.目标将是最大化使用的空间,或者反过来-最小化间隙区域.如果没有足够的空间,请继续使用相同大小的第二个区域,依此类推.
Given a set of different sized rectangles, tile them on an area of size H x W with no overlap. The objective would be to maximize the space used or conversely - minimize area of gaps. If there is not enough space, proceed on the second area of the same size and so on.
It is assumed that each rectangle's width and height are smaller than respective dimensions of the tiling area. Rectangles are not rotated or otherwise transformed - i.e. their sides are either horizontal or vertical.
I am not looking for finished code, just curious what approaches/algorithms are the best to use to solve this problem.
最简单的方法是使用kd-tree将树细分为垂直和水平euklidian二维空间.然后,您可以将矩形打包到所创建的空间之一中,然后递归地细分树.在线有一个Jquery树形图插件示例. jQuery插件砌体可以做同样的事情,但它更像是一维装箱求解器. 2D箱式装箱要复杂得多,并且还可能意味着旋转矩形.这是打包光照图的示例: http://www.blackpawn.com/texts/lightmaps /default.html .
Most simple is to use a kd-tree to subdivide the tree into vertical and horizontal euklidian 2d space. Then you can pack a rectangle into one of the created space and recursively subdivide the tree. There is a Jquery treemap plugin example available online. The jquery plugin masonry can do the same but it's more like a 1d bin-packing solver. 2d bin-packing is much more complicated and can also mean to rotate rectangles. Here is an example for packing lightmaps: http://www.blackpawn.com/texts/lightmaps/default.html.