


I am new to LibGdx framework and having trouble working with viewport and camera. Can anyone give a simple difference between each and use of both?


摄像机定义了有利位置以及在屏幕上可以看到的世界数量.通过定义世界视野的摄像机可以看到游戏中的所有内容.对于2D游戏,您可以使用OrthographicCamera来定义当前可见的世界的矩形. OpenGL使用矩阵来计算可见的图像,因此要使用相机,请对其进行更新,并使用其combined矩阵传递到SpriteBatch中.

The camera defines the vantage point and how much of the world is seen on screen. Everything in your game is seen through a camera that defines a view of the world. In the case of 2D games, you use an OrthographicCamera that defines a rectangle of the world that is currently visible. OpenGL works with matrices to calculate what is seen, so to use the camera, you update it and take its combined matrix to pass into the SpriteBatch.


Viewport has three different meanings in LibGDX:

  1. OpenGL视口,即OpenGL屏幕的矩形区域,当前设置为以像素尺寸绘制.无论OrthographicCamera具有什么尺寸,它定义的世界的可见矩形都会拉伸以适合OpenGL视口,这意味着它看起来会变形/压扁.

  1. The OpenGL viewport, the rectangular area of the screen OpenGL is currently set to draw to in pixel dimensions. No matter what dimensions an OrthographicCamera has, the viewable rectangle of the world that it defines is stretched to fit the OpenGL viewport, which means it can look distorted/squashed.


The viewportWidth and viewportHeight of an OrthographicCamera . These terms are an unfortunate relic of LibGDX's infancy, when it was assumed you'd always be using a camera sized to equal the size of the OpenGL viewport. These terms actually describe the size of the rectangle of the world you can see, but this visible rectangle can have arbitrary dimensions and the final image is stretched to fit the OpenGL viewport.

Viewport类,该类同时管理OrthographicCamera和OpenGL Viewport,以实现某种策略来处理屏幕密度和纵横比的无限可能.

The Viewport class, which is a class that simultaneously manages an OrthographicCamera and the OpenGL Viewport to achieve a certain strategy for dealing with the infinite possibilities of screen densities and aspect ratios.


LibGDX Viewport classes are set up by providing a world width and world height, which define a rectangle of your game world that you want to be visible on screen. Depending on which type of Viewport you use, this rectangle will be used in some manner to target multiple sizes of screen.


Some examples of LibGDX's included viewports:


StretchViewport: It stretches your world width/height to fit the screen, even if this causes distortion. This should never be used for a released game because players will hate it. Only useful for very quick-and-dirty prototyping.


FitViewport: It enlarges your world width/height to fit the screen, and letterboxes the OpenGL viewport such that the image is not distorted. This is like the black bars you see when watching a movie on a TV. This is the quickest/dirtiest way to design your game since you know the viewable rectangle of your world is exactly the same on all devices. But your players might not like wasted screen space. If you use this for an iOS game, Apple will reject it.


ExtendViewport: It enlarges your world width/height to fit the screen, and then enlarges either your world width or height to fill any remaining space on the screen so the image won't be distorted. This is the best option if you don't want letterboxing, but it means you must design your game keeping in mind that you have to draw enough to cover the possible extra area outside your planned world width/height, and try to keep the gameplay reasonably fair.


ScreenViewport: This one is unique because it does not have an input for world width/height. It simply makes the world width and height match the screen size in pixels. This should never be used for game play because you could be seeing a rectangle five or more times as big on a large XHD device as compared to a small MD device. It has its uses for UI. You can design multiple UI assets for various screen densities and use ScreenViewport so text and buttons look very crisp on all devices.


I personally always use ExtendViewport for gameplay so screen space is not wasted and the game can be released on iOS.


For UI, I use ExtendViewport for the gameplay HUD (to push the widgets against the edges of the screen), and FitViewport if there is a pause screen that overlays the gameplay. For this use, FitViewport is fine because you won't actually see black bars. It's easier to manage a complicated pause screen UI if you know the rectangle it fits in will always be the same.


To keep UI looking reasonably crisp with minimal effort I generate it at a size that would be approximately pixel-to-pixel on a ~200-250dpi phone screen, and give it trilinear filtering.


07-17 21:46