我一直在努力回答是否有标准的 Scala 函数来运行带有超时的块?, 如果在 Future 中抛出异常,就会遇到问题.
I've been working up my answer to Is there a standard Scala function for running a block with a timeout?, and have run into a problem if an exception is thrown in a Future.
def runWithTimeout[T](timeoutMs: Long)(f: => T) : Option[T] = {
awaitAll(timeoutMs, future(f)).head.asInstanceOf[Option[T]]
runWithTimeout(50) { "result" } should equal (Some("result"))
runWithTimeout(50) { Thread.sleep(100); "result" } should equal (None)
但是如果我在我的块中抛出异常,它不会泄漏,而是被吞下 - 因此以下失败并显示..没有抛出异常"
But if I throw an exception in my block it doesn't leak, but is swallowed - so that the following fails with "..no exception was thrown"
intercept[Exception] {
runWithTimeout(50) { throw new Exception("deliberate") }
}.getMessage should equal("deliberate")
Syserr 有一个带有消息的堆栈跟踪
Syserr has a stack trace with the message
<function0>: caught java.lang.Exception: deliberate
但我在 Scala 运行时中找不到打印的位置.
but I can't find where in the Scala runtime that is printed.
除了将 f 包装在另一个块中以捕获异常并在抛出时传播它们,还有什么方法可以说服 awaitAll 和/或 Future 抛出?
Apart from wrapping f in another block which catches exceptions and propagates them if thrown, is there any way to persuade awaitAll and/or Future to throw?
Exceptions don't do what you want when you're working in a threaded context, because you want to know about the exception in the caller, and the exception happens in the future's thread.
Instead, if you want to know what the exception was, you should return an Either[Exception,WhatYouWant]
--of course, you have to catch that exception within the future and package it up.
scala> scala.actors.Futures.future{
try { Right("fail".toInt) } catch { case e: Exception => Left(e) }
res0: scala.actors.Future[Product with Serializable with Either[Exception,Int]] = <function0>
scala> res0() // Apply the future
res1: Product with Serializable with Either[Exception,Int] =
Left(java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "fail")
这篇关于我如何掌握 Scala Future 中抛出的异常?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!