虽然有很多关于如何渲染精灵的教程,我已经知道了,但我想知道如何以面向对象的方式为我的精灵设置动画.假设我有一个 Player-class
Although there are many tutorials about how to render sprites, which I already know, I was wondering about how I can animate my sprites in an object oriented way. Let's say I have a Player-class
class Player{
this.textureAtlasPath = 'textures/player.jpg'
this.uvCoords = [0,0,1,0,1,1,0,1]
所以如果 player.jpg
只包含一个纹理(比如一个角色),我认为很清楚,我使用 uv 坐标 [0,0,1,0,1,1,0,1]
.但是假设 player.jpg
包含 4 个纹理(字符朝上,字符向左,字符向右和字符朝下).我所做的是将 uv 坐标划分为 4 个 uv 坐标(在顶点着色器内)并取决于帧 f.e.:
So if player.jpg
contains only ONE texture (like one character) i think it is very clear, that i use uv coordinates [0,0,1,0,1,1,0,1]
. But lets say the player.jpg
contains of 4 textures (character facing up, character to the left, character to the right and character facing down). What i did was dividing the uv coordinates in 4 uv coordinates (within a vertex shader) and depending on the frame f.e.:
if(currentFrame < 15)
//use uv coord subdivision 1
if(currentFrame < 30)
//use uv coord subdivision 2
to be continued.....
所以我的问题是:我是在顶点/片段着色器中细分 uv 坐标还是在 CPU 上计算它们?如果是这样,我将它们存储在 4 个不同的缓冲区中还是仅存储 1 个缓冲区?如果可能的话,你能提供一个代码示例吗?附加说明:我希望我所有的动画精灵都有 4 种运动状态,所以 f.e.整个图像为 64x64,包含 4 个 16x16 纹理.
So my question is:Do I subdivide the uv coords within the vertex/fragment shader or do I calculate them on the CPU? If so do I store them in 4 different buffers or only 1 buffer? And if possible can you provide a code example?Additional note: I want my ALL my animated sprites to have 4 states of movement, so f.e. the whole image is 64x64 and it contains 4 16x16 textures.
Probably the most common way is to use a unit quad with unit quad texture coordinates and pass in a texture matrix to multiply the texture coordinates to select the part of the texture you want.
// vertex shader
attribute vec2 texcoord;
uniform mat4 texMatrix;
varying vec2 v_texcoord;
void main() {
v_texcoord = (texMatrix * vec4(texcoord, 0, 1)).xy;
如果你不打算旋转,你可以通过传入一个 uv 偏移和 uv 比例来缩短它
If you don't plan on rotating you can shorten that by just passing in a uv offset and uv scale
// vertex shader
attribute vec2 texcoord;
uniform vec2 uvOffset;
uniform vec2 uvScale;
varying vec2 v_texcoord;
void main() {
v_texcoord = texcoord * uvScale + uvOffset;
如果给定纹理的所有精灵大小相同(假设所有精灵都是 40x20),那么您也可以通过传入单个精灵的大小或上下精灵的数量、大小来实现纹理和精灵编号,然后计算着色器中的 UV.
If all your sprites are the same size for a given texture (say all of them are 40x20) then you can also do it by just passing in the size of a single sprite or the number of sprites across and down, the size of the texture, and a sprite number then calculate the UVs in the shader.
Which one you use depends on how flexible you want to be and how much speed you need. I almost always choose the first method is it's the most flexible. If it's too slow for my needs then I start optimizing.
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