So I've gotten to the point in my program where I need to create a group for some sprites that the player can collide with without dying (like some other sprites I may have on screen).
我已经搜索过谷歌,但官方 pygame 文档似乎无用和/或难以理解.我正在寻求任何对此有所了解的人的帮助.
I've scoured Google but it appears that the official pygame documentation is useless and/or hard to comprehend. I'm looking for just a wee bit of help from anyone who knows a bit about this.
First, I need to find out how to create a group. Does it go in the initial game setup?
然后在创建时将精灵添加到组中.pygame 网站对这个主题有这样的说法:
Then adding a sprite to a group upon its creation. The pygame site has this to say on the subject:
那么...如何使用它?假设我有一个名为 gem 的精灵.我需要将 gem 添加到 gems 组中.是吗:
So... how does one use this? Let's say I have an sprite named gem. I need to add gem to the gems group. Is it:
gem = Sprite.add(gems)
I doubt it, but without any examples to go off of on the site, I am at a loss.
此外,我希望能够编辑某个组的属性.这是通过像我一样定义一个组来完成的吗?或者它是我在现有精灵的定义中定义的,但带有if sprite in group"?
Furthermore, I would love to be able to edit attributes for a certain group. Is this done by defining a group like I would a class? Or is it something I define within the definition for the existing sprite, but with an 'if sprite in group'?
To answer your first question; to create a group you would do something like this:
gems = pygame.sprite.Group()
Regarding the attributes for the group you'd like to edit it depends what they are. For example you could define something like this to indicate the direction of the group:
gems.direction = 'up'