

我有两个需要使用Windows集成身份验证连接到SQL Server数据库的java Web应用程序。

I have 2 java web apps that need to connect to SQL Server Database using Windows Integrated Authentication.


The first one that is loaded works fine but the second one throws the exception:

Native Library sqljdbc_auth.dll already loaded in another classloader


The error above occurs when I place the sqljdbc_auth.dll in one of the folders:

  • C:\ WINDOWS \system32 \

  • C:\Program Files \ Amaache Software Foundation \ Tomcat 7.0 \\\\


If I place the sqljdbc_auth.dll in one of the folders below:

    $ b每个Web应用程序的$ b
  • / WEB-INF / lib目录

  • C:\Program Files \ ApachePache Foundation \ Tomcat 7.0 \lib \

  • /WEB-INF/lib directory of each web application
  • C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 7.0\lib\


Both apps throw the exception:

Failed to load the sqljdbc_auth.dll cause :- no sqljdbc_auth in java.library.path


I am using this code to load the driver:




每个Web应用程序都有自己的Classloader(隔离它们)。当您调用Class.forName()方法时,有一个静态块正在尝试加载共享库(dll文件) - 因此您的Web应用程序都试图加载共享库,因此第二个时会出现错误消息试图加载。

Each web application has its own Classloader (isolating them). When you call the Class.forName() method, there is a static block which is trying to load the shared library (dll file) - so both your web apps are trying to load the shared lib, hence the error message when the second one attempts to load.

你的sqlserver的JDBC jar应该从你的战争捆绑到 tomcat 7.0 / lib 文件夹并将sqljdbc_auth.dll复制到tomcat / bin文件夹 - 这样它将在tomcat父类加载器中,并且该类只会被加载一次。

The JDBC jar you have for sqlserver should be moved from being bundled with your wars, to the tomcat 7.0/lib folder and copy the sqljdbc_auth.dll to tomcat/bin folder - this way it will be in the tomcat parent classloader, and the class will only be loaded once.

| sqljdbc*.jar     --> tomcat*/lib |
| sqljdbc_auth.dll --> tomcat*/bin |


07-17 20:47