本文介绍了固定成本地图图书馆或服务?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧! 问题描述 29岁程序员,3月因学历无情被辞! 我需要一个AJAX(使用Javascript / PHP / MySQL的)项目的映射。所有的供应商,我研究用瓦成本模式或者是超出了我们的预算。I need mapping for an AJAX (Javascript/PHP/MySQL) project. All the providers I researched used a tile cost model or were beyond our budget.我不想找任何幻想,只是一些允许:I'm not looking for anything fancy, just something that allows:在商业用途(对我们来说,谁使用地图的用户对我们的服务)摇摄缩放街道图层标记通过地理信息系统或zip code 高效地绘制大量的(> = 1000例)。添加注释标记(直接或通过图例)。Commercial Use (for us and users of our service who use the maps)PanningZoomingStreet LayersEfficiently plotting large numbers (eg: >= 1,000) of markers by GIS or zip code.Adding annotations to markers (directly or via legend).我甚至可以做到无1或2,如果它归结到它。I may even be able to do without 1 or 2 if it comes down to it.的预算,这是紧张:$ 2,500的年度许可或和$ 5,000买东西顾左右而言他。但是,如果有什么东西,是不是太远了看球的这个数字可能有所调整。The budget for this is tight: $2,500 for an annual license or and $5,000 to buy something outright. However, this figure may be adjusted if there's something that isn't too far out of the ballpark.有谁知道的东西都适合票据(坏的双关语意外)?Does anyone know of anything that fits the bill (bad pun unintended)?另外,一个附加的皱纹是,底层的瓦片服务器应包含在价格。是迄今为止所提供的一些优秀的答复(我寻找到它们),但其中一些只是图书馆和瓷砖服务器可能是一个隐藏的成本。它也并不总是很清楚正是(默认)瓷砖服务器使用什么库。Also, an additional wrinkle is that the underlying tile server should be included in the price. Some excellent responses were provided so far (and I'm looking into them), but some of them are libraries only and the tile server may be a hidden cost. It's also not always clear just what (default) tile server is used with what library.推荐答案这是我想尝试的第一件事就是 Mapquest服务的API 与 OpenStreetMap的选项:The first thing that I would try is MapQuest APIs with OpenStreetMap option:这是免费用于商业和非商业用途在这支持平移和缩放在它地理编码,让您通过映射ZIP code支持 POI标记和信息窗口的,让你提供注解到地图上的标记。It is free of charge for commercial and non-commercial useIt supports panning and zoomingIt has geocoding, letting you map by ZIP codeIt supports POI markers and InfoWindows, letting you supply annotations to markers on the map.随使用OpenStreetMap的最大的限制是缺乏路由服务,但它不是你的购物清单反正上。The biggest limitation that comes with using OpenStreetMap is the lack of routing services, but it is not on your "shopping list" anyway. 这篇关于固定成本地图图书馆或服务?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持! 上岸,阿里云!