


I know that 'crossing boundaries' when making a JNI call in Java is slow.


However I want to know what is it that makes it slow?What does the underlying jvm implementation do when making a JNI call that makes it so slow?


首先,它是值得注意的是,通过慢,我们谈论的事情可能需要几十纳秒。对于简单的原生方法,在2010年,我在Windows桌面上平均测量了40秒的呼叫,在我的Mac桌面上测量了11 ns。除非您正在进行许多调用,否则您将不会注意到。

First, it's worth noting that by "slow," we're talking about something that can take tens of nanoseconds. For trivial native methods, in 2010 I measured calls at an average 40 ns on my Windows desktop, and 11 ns on my Mac desktop. Unless you're making many calls, you're not going to notice.


That said, calling a native method can be slower than making a normal Java method call. Causes include:

  • JVM不会内联本机方法。它们也不会为这个特定的机器进行即时编译 - 它们已经编译好了。

  • 可以复制Java数组以便在本机代码中进行访问,然后将其复制回来。成本可以是阵列大小的线性。我测量了100,000个阵列的JNI 复制,在我的Windows桌面上平均约为75微秒,在Mac上平均为82微秒。幸运的是,可以通过或,由@Philip在下面的评论中提供。

    Some additional discussion, possibly dated, can be found in "Java¿ Platform Performance: Strategies and Tactics", 2000, by Steve Wilson and Jeff Kesselman, in section "9.2: Examining JNI costs". It's about a third of the way down this page, provided in the comment by @Philip below.

    2009年IBM developerWorks论文提供了一些避免使用JNI的性能缺陷的建议。

    The 2009 IBM developerWorks paper "Best practices for using the Java Native Interface" provides some suggestions on avoiding performance pitfalls with JNI.


07-17 20:23