我正在尝试创建一个函数,该函数将运行一个循环来测试一个组织(var 'org')是否有一个实际已经开始的活动,因此 'If (result <= Now()'.我在带有CountIf"的电子表格中找到了未指定数量的活动,并作为总计"提供给模块.
I'm trying to create a function that will run a loop that tests to see whether or not an organization (var 'org') has a campaign that has actually started yet, hence 'If (result <= Now()'. There is an unspecified number of campaigns which I'm finding in the spreadsheet with 'CountIf' and is given to the module as 'total'.
在电子表格中,当需要有一个有效活动的单元格发现另一个单元格中随机猜测的活动无效时,它会转到 VBA 函数,为该函数提供组织 ID 和活动总数在那个组织之下.
In the spreadsheet when the cell which needs to have a valid campaign finds that the campaign randomly guessed in another cell isn't valid, it goes to the VBA function, giving the function both the organization ID and the total number of campaigns under that organization.
Sub Macro()
Dim x
x = MacIDGen(111, 11)
End Sub
Function MacIDGen(org, total)
Dim iteration As Boolean, result As Range
For current = 1 To total
result = Application.WorksheetFunction.VLookup(org & " " & current, ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Donations").Range("C:E"), 3, False)
If (result <= Now()) Then
MacIDGen = org & " " & current & " Test successful"
current = total
End If
Next current
End Function
Org ID- Org Camp Count- Camp No.- Valid Camp No.
62 1 1 62 1
14 2 1 14 1
2 4 4 2 4
79 5 4 79 4
在 VBA 编辑器中调试期间,runtime error 1004
During debugging in VBA editor the runtime error 1004
crops up and when executing in the spreadsheet the function seeming does nothing and the cell adopts last valid value before fairly quickly refreshing cells.How can i fix this?
So for those who may stumble across this later, here's my working code:
Function MacIDGen2(org As Integer, total As Integer)
Dim iteration As Boolean, trueArray() As String, totalTrue As String, randArrNo As Integer, result
ReDim trueArray(total)
totalTrue = 0
For current = 0 To total - 1
On Error Resume Next
result = Application.WorksheetFunction.VLookup(org & " " & current + 1, ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Campains").Range("C:E"), 3, False)
On Error GoTo 0
If (Not IsNull(result)) Then
If (result <= Now()) Then
trueArray(totalTrue) = current + 1
totalTrue = totalTrue + 1
End If
End If
Next current
If (totalTrue > 0) Then
randArrNo = WorksheetFunction.RandBetween(0, totalTrue - 1)
MacIDGen2 = org & " " & trueArray(randArrNo)
MacIDGen2 = 0
End If
End Function
基本上On Error Resume Next"解决了这个问题.然后我添加了 If IsNull 检查结果.
Basically the 'On Error Resume Next' fixed the issue. Then I added the If IsNull check for the result.
I've also slightly improved the code in that it now randomly selects any one of the valid campaigns. Before it would simply pick the first valid campaign it finds.
Those with a keen eye may also notice that the sheet I'm referencing in the updated version is different to the one in my original code. The original sheet was wrong and I was referencing the same sheet I was calling the module from, ending in a circular reference. This tiny little discrepancy cost me over a couple of hours of hair tearing confusion.
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