

我正在使用从 http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/zh-cn/details.aspx?FamilyID=2bfc3187-74aa-4154-a670-76ef8bc2a0b4&displaylang=zh-CN 在Windows XP中,Ribbon应用程序窗口的标题栏看起来像Windows 98…或控制台窗口一样.如何改善标题栏的外观.

I am using the latest WPF Ribbon control downloaded from http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/en/details.aspx?FamilyID=2bfc3187-74aa-4154-a670-76ef8bc2a0b4&displaylang=enIn Windows XP, the Ribbon application window’s title bar looks like from Windows 98… or like from console window. How can I improve the appearance of tittle bar.


由Microsoft顾问解答:从2010年10月发行起,RibbonWindow附带了三个模板-Classic,Aero Basic和带玻璃的Aero.在XP的Luna主题上,我们退回到显示RibbonWindow的经典外观.重新设计RibbonWindow以实现本机XP外观应该相当容易-在丝带源和示例MSI 为例.如果我们从几个客户那里获得反馈,认为Luna主题是最重要的要求,我们一定会考虑在下一个版本中加入它.

Answered by a Microsoft Consultant:The RibbonWindow ships with three templates as of the October 2010 release - Classic, Aero Basic, and Aero with glass. On XP's Luna theme, we fall back to displaying the Classic look for the RibbonWindow. It should be fairly easy to retemplate RibbonWindow to achieve the native XP look - use our RibbonWindow templates in the Ribbon Source and Samples MSI as an example. If we get feedback from several customers that the Luna theme is a top request, we will definitely consider including that for our next release.


07-17 19:38