因此,我来自一名SQL Server开发人员,他曾经在时间的迷茫中写过一点PL/SQL的方式,但实际上一无所知.
So I'm coming from a position as a SQL Server developer who has written a little bit of PL/SQL way back in the mists of time but effectively knows nothing.
I've got a laptop, it's running Oracle. There is a database on the laptop which I need to have a look at and neither I, nor anyone else I can speak to, knows what it's called.
I have a couple of logins including one which alleges to be an Admin login.
What's the easiest way to browse the databases on the server and then connect to one?
我怀疑我对来自SQL Server的服务器,用户和数据库之间的关系的假设使我误入歧途,但现在我无法摆脱甲骨文附带的客户端工具是在开玩笑的想法,但我确实觉得没那么有趣.
I suspect that my assumptions about relationships between servers, users and databases from SQL Server are leading me astray but right now I can't get past idea that the client tools Oracle ships are someone's idea of a joke but I'm really not finding it that funny.
I'm pretty sure that it's version 9.2 that's running.
Happy to provide more information but right now I don't know where to start.
如果是Windows,请在服务中查找.每个数据库将有一个单独的服务.默认情况下,它们被命名为OracleService DATABASENAME .
If this is windows look in the services. Each database will have a separate service. By default these are named OracleServiceDATABASENAME.
You may be able to connect with just this information on the default port 1521.
如果这不起作用,请打开该服务的属性,然后找到oracle主目录的位置.将连接信息保留在ORACLEHOME \ network \ admin \ tnsnames.ora中的默认位置.使用数据库名称,您可以在此文件中找到连接信息.
If that does not work open the properties of that service you can find the location of the oracle home. The default place to keep your connection information in the ORACLEHOME\network\admin\tnsnames.ora . Using the database name you can find your connect information in this file.
如果是linux/unix,请在/etc/oratab文件中查找.这应该列出数据库名称和oracle home. tnsnames.ora文件的默认位置与Windows上的相同.
If this is linux/unix look in the /etc/oratab file. This should have the database name and oracle home listed. The default location of the tnsnames.ora file is the same as on windows.
Once you have this information you can use any of the tools mentioned above to connect to the database.