In the code below, I was attempting to do a calculation if the number in the specific cell was numeric, else return number from other cell. I think that my implementation is incorrect as I only get the else state populating if the first cell is not numeric and vise versa. Can you tell me how to fix this?
The 6th entry should return 27 in the Meas-LO column.
Sub ReturnMarginal()
Dim xOut As Worksheet
Dim xWb As Workbook
Dim xWks As Worksheet
Dim InterSectRange As Range
Dim lowLimCol As Integer
Dim hiLimCol As Integer
Dim measCol As Integer
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Set xWb = ActiveWorkbook
For Each xWks In xWb.Sheets
xRow = 1
With xWks
FindString = "LowLimit"
If Not xWks.Rows(1).Find(FindString) Is Nothing Then
.Cells(xRow, 16) = "Meas-LO"
.Cells(xRow, 17) = "Meas-Hi"
.Cells(xRow, 18) = "Min Value"
.Cells(xRow, 19) = "Marginal"
LastRow = .UsedRange.Rows.Count
lowLimCol = Application.WorksheetFunction.Match("LowLimit", xWks.Range("1:1"), 0)
hiLimCol = Application.WorksheetFunction.Match("HighLimit", xWks.Range("1:1"), 0)
measLimCol = Application.WorksheetFunction.Match("MeasValue", xWks.Range("1:1"), 0)
If IsNumeric(Cells(2, lowLimCol).Address(False, False)) Then
.Range("P2:P" & LastRow).Formula = "=" & Cells(2, measLimCol).Address(False, False) & "-" & Cells(2, lowLimCol).Address(False, False)
.Range("P2:P" & LastRow).Formula = "=" & Cells(2, measLimCol).Address(False, False)
End If
.Range("Q2:Q" & LastRow).Formula = "=" & Cells(2, hiLimCol).Address(False, False) & "-" & Cells(2, measLimCol).Address(False, False)
.Range("R2").Formula = "=min(P2,Q2)"
.Range("R2").AutoFill Destination:=.Range("R2:R" & LastRow)
.Range("S2").Formula = "=IF(AND(R2>=-3, R2<=3), ""Marginal"", R2)"
.Range("S2").AutoFill Destination:=.Range("S2:S" & LastRow)
End If
End With
Application.ScreenUpdating = True 'turn it back on
Next xWks
End Sub
After understanding what you meant for the second part of your problem, I think the quickest fix for how your formula is set up is to fill the whole column with a formula.
这比遍历代码中的每个单元格 更快,以检查其是否为数字.您可以使用一个公式来填充整个范围,该公式可以对电子表格本身进行检查:例如=IF(ISNUMBER(C1),C1-D1,C1)
This will be quicker than looping through each cell in code to check if it is a number. You can fill the whole range with a formula that does the check on the spreadsheet itself: e.g. =IF(ISNUMBER(C1),C1-D1,C1)
要在您的代码中得到它,我将替换整个if isNumeric then...
To get that in your code, I would replace the whole if isNumeric then...
If IsNumeric(Cells(2, lowLimCol).Address(False, False)) Then
.Range("P2:P" & LastRow).Formula = "=" & Cells(2, measLimCol).Address(False, False) & "-" & Cells(2, lowLimCol).Address(False, False)
.Range("P2:P" & LastRow).Formula = "=" & Cells(2, measLimCol).Address(False, False)
End If
.Range("P2:P" & lastRow).Formula = "=IF(ISNUMBER(" & .Cells(2, measLimCol).Value2 & ")," & Cells(2, measLimCol).Address(False, False) & "-" & Cells(2, lowLimCol).Address(False, False) & "," & Cells(2, measLimCol).Address(False, False) & ")"
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