I have a program that is supposed to read data from an SQL database and report back to Excel. It works as expected on a 32-bit machine, but since I moved over to a 64-bit work environment, the program has failed to run. Here is a sample of my code (the first error returned):
Private Sub SearchBox_Change()
Call CompileQuery
'If the query is empty
If SearchBox.Value = "" Then
NumShowingLabel = "Showing 0 of 0 Results"
GoTo noSearch
End If
'Open a new query with varQuery
With varRecordset
.ActiveConnection = varConnection
.Open varQuery
End With
'Set NumShowingLabel
If varRecordset.RecordCount > varMaxResults Then
NumShowingLabel = "Showing 60 of " & varRecordset.RecordCount & " Results"
NumShowingLabel = "Showing " & varRecordset.RecordCount & " of " & varRecordset.RecordCount & " Results"
End If
'As long as there is a record, move to the first one
If Not varRecordset.RecordCount = 0 Then varRecordset.MoveFirst
'Add each record to ResultBox
If varRecordset.RecordCount > varMaxResults Then
For varTempInt = 1 To varMaxResults
ResultBox.AddItem varRecordset.Fields("FileName").Value
For varTempInt = 1 To varRecordset.RecordCount
ResultBox.AddItem varRecordset.Fields("FileName").Value
End If
'Release varRecordSet
End Sub
运行时,Excel返回错误类型不匹配并突出显示 .RecordCount
的。对于varTempInt = 1 varRecordset.RecordCount
When run, Excel returns an error "Type Mismatch" and highlights .RecordCount
of For varTempInt = 1 To varRecordset.RecordCount
(the last for loop in the sample). I have installed the hotfix recommended by the Windows Support Article 983246, at least to the best of my understanding. I installed it to the C: directory and restarted my machine, but it still does not work.
编辑1:只是想澄清一下我以前使用的是ADO 2.5 NOT ADO 6.1
Edit 1: Just wanted to clarify that I was previously using ADO 2.5 NOT ADO 6.1
TL; DR:如何修复64上的 RecordSet.RecordCount
类型不匹配错误位计算机运行Excel 2010?
TL;DR: How can I fix a RecordSet.RecordCount
"Type Mismatch" error on a 64-bit machine running Excel 2010?
我没有这个确切的问题,但是我发现<$ ADODB记录集上的c $ c> recordcount 属性是命中还是未命中。最好的选择是重写循环,例如:
I haven't had this exact problem, but I've found that the recordcount
property on an ADODB recordset is hit or miss. Your best bet is to rewrite the loops like:
While Not recordset.eof
<your stuff with your record>
Also, to test that there are records in your recordset you can use:
If recordset.BOF and recordset.EOF THEN
<Something is wrong there are no records>
End If
我的猜测是ADODB recordcount属性可能用64位废话了几乎每个ODBC驱动程序中使用的ODBC驱动程序版本。
My guess is that the ADODB recordcount property is probably crap with the 64 bit version of whatever ODBC driver you are using as it is in nearly every ODBC driver.