我正在尝试掌握 Elixir
中列表和组合的区别。从 基本类型 Elixir指南的a>部分:
I am trying to grasp the difference between Lists and Tuples in Elixir
. From the Basic Types section of Elixir Guides, I understand that:
Okay, that's all fine but I'm still not sure what to use when. I see that most of the methods return a tuple but everywhere else Lists are used, and many methods accept Lists as input, not tuples. By the stated points above, shouldn't Tuples be used for passing data around, since reading from a tuple of user-given values would be fast?
我还注意到元组不能枚举,这是怎么回事?在他们上使用 Enum
I also noticed Tuples aren't enumerable, what's up with that? Wouldn't using Enum
over them be faster than using it on Lists?
If someone could help me understand them better, possibly by giving a few examples of what to use when, that'd be awesome.
You've already given a pretty good summary of the differences, so in any conditions where one of those things is important it should help you decide on which to use.
The way to think about it is that Lists are open-ended data structures and their size can vary at runtime while Tuples have a constant size set at compile time.
例如,如果要存储所有用户想要在 iex
会话中给出的命令,该列表的长度取决于该会话中给出的命令数。将其与元组的典型用例进行对比-返回 {:ok,result}
或 {:error,reason}
For example if you wanted to store all the commands the user has given during an iex
session you would want a list - the length of that list will depend on the number of commands given in that session. Contrast this with a typical use-case for tuples - returning {:ok, result}
or {:error, reason}
from a method - here the number of elements is known up-front and so you don't pay an unacceptable price for the performance improvements of Tuples.
至于枚举-从概念上讲,元组不是集合,并且每个元素的位置都应该表示其作用。考虑一个 {:ok,#PID< 0.336.0>}}
然后是#PID< 0.336.0>
As for enumeration - Tuples conceptually aren't collections and every element's position is supposed to also denote its role. Consider an {:ok, #PID<0.336.0>}
Tuple - iterating over it would first give you an :ok
and then a #PID<0.336.0>
, it would be very strange to write a function acting in a uniform way on those things.