反复提示输入一个数字并求和.当总和刚好超过100时,停止提示并在末尾显示总和.用户输入数字时,不得显示总和. (您不需要计数器,但需要某种终止方式 循环).只能使用for循环.
To repeatedly prompt for a number and sum it. When the sum just exceeds 100, stop the prompting and display the sum at the end. You must not display the sum while the user in typing in numbers. (You do not need a counter but you will need some way of terminating the loop). Using the for loop only.
的声明包含三个部分- Initializer (初始化器),该部分仅在循环开始时执行一次, condition (条件),该条件在每个循环中运行一次,并在评估为false时退出循环迭代器,表示继续进行下一个项目的逻辑.当不需要迭代器时,它可以为空.
The for statement has three parts - Initializer that is executed only once when the loop starts,condition that run once on each loop, and will exit the loop when evaluated to false, anditerator that signal the logic to proceed to the next item. When there is no need for iterator, it could be empty.