


I understand that Tortoise and Hare's meeting concludes the existence of a loop, but how does moving tortoise to the beginning of linked list while keeping the hare at the meeting place, followed by moving both one step at a time make them meet at the starting point of the cycle?



This is Floyd's algorithm for cycle detection. You are asking about the second phase of the algorithm -- once you've found a node that's part of a cycle, how does one find the start of the cycle?

在 Floyd 算法的第一部分中,兔子每走一步就移动两步.如果乌龟和兔子相遇,则存在一个循环,并且相遇点是循环的一部分,但不一定是循环中的第一个节点.

In the first part of Floyd's algorithm, the hare moves two steps for every step of the tortoise. If the tortoise and hare ever meet, there is a cycle, and the meeting point is part of the cycle, but not necessarily the first node in the cycle.

当乌龟和兔子相遇时,我们已经找到了最小的 i(乌龟走的步数),使得 X = X.让 mu 表示从 X 到循环开始的步数,让 lambda 表示循环的长度.然后 i = mu + alambda,和 2i = mu + blambda,其中 a 和 b 是整数,表示乌龟和兔子在循环中走了多少次.减法第二个方程的第一个方程给出 i = (b-a)*lambda,所以 i 是整数倍拉姆达的.因此,X = X.X 代表龟兔的交汇点.如果你把乌龟移回起始节点X,让乌龟和兔子以相同的速度继续前进,经过mu额外的步骤后乌龟将到达X,兔子将达到 X = X,所以第二个交汇点表示循环的开始.

When the tortoise and hare meet, we have found the smallest i (the number of steps taken by the tortoise) such that X = X. Let mu represent the number of steps to get from X to the start of the cycle, and let lambda represent the length of the cycle. Then i = mu + alambda, and 2i = mu + blambda, where a and b are integers denoting how many times the tortoise and hare went around the cycle. Subtractingthe first equation from the second gives i = (b-a)*lambda, so i is an integer multipleof lambda. Therefore, X = X. X represents the meeting point of the tortoise and hare. If you move the tortoise back to the starting node X, and let the tortoise and hare continue at the same speed, after mu additional steps the tortoise will have reached X, and the hare will have reached X = X, so the second meeting point denotes the start of the cycle.


07-17 18:00