Does anyone know of an algorithm to find if a linked list loops on itself using only two variables to traverse the list. Say you have a linked list of objects, it doesn't matter what type of object. I have a pointer to the head of the linked list in one variable and I am only given one other variable to traverse the list with.
So my plan is to compare pointer values to see if any pointers are the same. The list is of finite size but may be huge. I can set both variable to the head and then traverse the list with the other variable, always checking if it is equal to the other variable, but, if I do hit a loop I will never get out of it. I'm thinking it has to do with different rates of traversing the list and comparing pointer values. Any thoughts?
我建议使用 Floyd's Cycle-Finding Algorithm
aka The Tortoise and the Hare Algorithm.它的复杂度为 O(n),我认为它符合您的要求.
I would suggest using
Floyd's Cycle-Finding Algorithm
aka The Tortoise and the Hare Algorithm
. It has O(n) complexity and I think it fits your requirements.
function boolean hasLoop(Node startNode){
Node slowNode = Node fastNode1 = Node fastNode2 = startNode;
while (slowNode && fastNode1 = fastNode2.next() && fastNode2 = fastNode1.next()){
if (slowNode == fastNode1 || slowNode == fastNode2) return true;
slowNode = slowNode.next();
return false;
有关维基百科的更多信息:Floyd 的循环查找算法.
More info on Wikipedia: Floyd's cycle-finding algorithm.