data Pet = Dog {name :: String} | Cat {name :: String}派生(显示)
main = do
let d = Dog {name =Spot}
c = Cat {name =Morris}
putStrLn $ name d
putStrLn $ name c
数据Pet = Dog {name :: String} | Cat {name :: Integer}派生(显示)
我直觉地理解为什么会这样,因为第一种情况下 name
的类型是只需宠物 - >字符串
I don认为还有更深入的东西。正如你所说,结果字段访问器的类型是 Pet - >字符串
A basic question about Haskell records. If I define this datatype,
data Pet = Dog { name :: String } | Cat { name :: String } deriving (Show)
the following works:
main = do
let d = Dog { name = "Spot" }
c = Cat { name = "Morris" }
putStrLn $ name d
putStrLn $ name c
But if I do this,
data Pet = Dog { name :: String } | Cat { name :: Integer } deriving (Show)
I'll get this error: Multiple declarations of 'name'
I think I understand intuitively why this should be the case, since the type of name
in the first case is just Pet -> String
regardless of the constructor that was used. But I don't recall seeing this rule about record accessor functions in any of the Haskell books I've read. Can someone give a slightly more in-depth explanation about the behavior I'm seeing above?
From the Haskell '98 Report:
I don't think there's anything more in-depth to it. As you said, the resulting field accessor has the type Pet -> String
anyway so the powers that be decided it convenient to allow you to re-use the same field name in different constructors.