

我使用的是 ContentControl中 IM我的WPF应用程序,以显示不同的查看的用户。

I'm using a ContentControl im my WPF application to show different Views to the user.

<ContentControl Content="{Binding CurrentPageViewModel}"/>

按下一个按钮,用户可以切换值 CurrentPageViewModel 到其他的视图模型的对象,并使用的DataTemplate ,开关的帮助下到另一个的查看的。

By pushing a button the user can switch the value of CurrentPageViewModel to another ViewModel object and, with the help of a DataTemplate, switch to another View.

<DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type viewModel:AdministrationViewModel}">
    <view:AdministrationView />
<DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type viewModel:HealthViewModel}">
    <view:HealthView />


So far so good.


My problem starts whenever the View is switched. Then the old View is discarded and the Framework deletes/disposes the View object.

网格排序设置都将丢失,更糟的是,一些的查看的值设置为null。 NULL值将被传播到我的视图模型的通过数据绑定,这完全以弄乱了我的视图模型的数据!

Grid sort settings are therefore lost and what's even worse, some of the Views values are set to null. The null values are propagated to my ViewModel by Databinding, which totaly messes up my ViewModel data!




Simplest but very powerfull solution to control your views' life is using converter instead of datatemplates:

<ContentControl  Content="{Binding CurrentPageViewModel, Converter={StaticResource ViewModelToViewConverter}"/>

public class ViewModelToViewConverter: IValueConverter
    public object Convert(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, CultureInfo culture)
        if (value == null) return null;

       //use naming convention or custom settings here to get view type
        var viewModelType = value.GetType();
        var viewType = ...

        var view = (FrameworkElement) YourIocContainer.Resolve(viewType);
        view.DataContext = value;
        return view;


You need to setup your IoC so for particular view's it will return singleton instance. IoC also allows you dependency injecion into your views. Instead of IoC you may use your own factory pattern implementation.


However, ViewModel properties should not be messed, when view is disconnected from visual three. There's probably another issue in bindings and you should open new question for this


07-17 17:24