I''m still learning so forgive another noob problem.
I''ll abreviate the code to around the area that has given me grief.
All I''m trying to do is get a string, slap a number onto the end of it, then display it. The string arrives on the screen just as planned, but I get the Stack Corruption at the end of the function as it returns control to WndProc.
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
void FailingFunction(HWND hwnd)
HDC hdc = GetDC(hwnd);
RECT TextRect1;
int aNumber = 10;
wchar_T ident[] = L"A string";
wchar_T Out[50];
TextRect1.top = 15;
TextRect1.left = 15;
TextRect1.bottom = 100;
TextRect1.right = 100;
PrepTextOut(ident, Out, aNumber);
DrawText(hdc, Out, -1, &TextRect1, DT_SINGLELINE | DT_CENTER | DT_VCENTER)
void PrepTextOut(wchar_t* str, wchar_t* dest, int value)
wchar_t cNum[10]; //Wide character array to hold integer
size_t cNumSize = 10; //size of ''wchar_t cNum''
size_t destSize = wcslen(dest); //size of dest wide character array
_itow_s(value, cNum, cNumSize, 10); //Convert cNum integer to wchar_t
wcscpy_s(dest, destSize, str); //Copy str into dest
wcscat_s(dest, destSize, cNum); //Contracate cNum onto dest
I need to do this step dozens of times and was looking to shorten the code. I''ve included all of the necessities to make it run. My test integer was 1. Test string was ''Strength''.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
//void PrepTextOut(wchar_t* str, wchar_t* dest, int value)
void PrepTextOut(wchar_t* str, wchar_t* dest, size_t destSize, int value)
// needs one more parameter for destsize
//wchar_t cNum[10]; //Wide character array to hold integer
// 10 is not enough (together with terminator null and posible minus sign,
// should be at least 12 for 32 bit integers)
wchar_t cNum[16]; // guarantee
// size_t cNumSize = 10; // size of ''wchar_t cNum''
size_t cNumSize = sizeof(cNum) / sizeof(cNum[0]);
// size_t destSize = wcslen(dest); //size of dest wide character array
// dest may points uninitalized buffer so you shouldn''t do above
_itow_s(value, cNum, cNumSize, 10); //Convert cNum integer to wchar_t
wcscpy_s(dest, destSize, str); //Copy str into dest
wcscat_s(dest, destSize, cNum); //Contracate cNum onto dest