

我正在尝试按照说明创建回文.我得到了一半的功能,我必须填写空白.我目前无法使循环正常工作.我也不确定如何在不使用 + 或逗号的情况下将字符添加到字符串的开头或结尾.我不认为这是我被要求做的事情.这是说明;

I am trying to follow the instructions to create a palindrome. I am given half a function, and I have to fill in the blanks. I am currently unable to get the loop to work correctly. I am also unsure how to add characters to the beginning or the end of string without using the + or a comma. I do not think that is what I am being asked to do.Here are the instructions;

def is_palindrome(input_string):
    # We'll create two strings, to compare them
    new_string = input_string.replace(" ", "")
    reverse_string = input_string.replace(" ", "")
    # Traverse through each letter of the input string
    for word in input_string: # Originally, I was only given the a FOR statement here, I wrote in the rest
        new_string+=word.replace(" ","").upper()
        # Add any non-blank letters to the
        # end of one string, and to the front
        # of the other string.

    if ___:
        new_string = ___
        reverse_string = ___
    # # Compare the strings
      if ___:
          return True
          return False

print(is_palindrome("Never Odd or Even")) # Should be True
print(is_palindrome("abc")) # Should be False
print(is_palindrome("kayak")) # Should be True


I have removed the empty spaces and made everything the same case. I have assigned the characters to new_string, but it looks like I am supposed to use join to add the characters, but when I do the print statement does not print anything. I am unsure how to add the items in reverse order.I am not even sure if I am on the correct track, because I am unsure what the IF statement is asking. I would think I should be able to use a loop to create the string and then compare the two strings.


Also, could someone please explain why new_string.join(word) does not print anything out? How am I using it incorrectly?


Thank you very much for any possible assistance.



It worked for me, I have tried and change little bit from above my code it work now with below code.


def is_palindrome(input_string):
    # We'll create two strings, to compare them
    new_string = ""
    reverse_string = ""
    # Traverse through each letter of the input string
    for letter in input_string.strip():
        # Add any non-blank letters to the
        # end of one string, and to the front
        # of the other string.
        new_string = new_string+letter.replace(" ","")
        reverse_string = letter.replace(" ","")+reverse_string
    # Compare the strings
    if new_string.lower() == reverse_string.lower():
        return True
    return False

print(is_palindrome("Never Odd or Even")) # Should be True
print(is_palindrome("abc")) # Should be False
print(is_palindrome("kayak")) # Should be True


07-17 16:23