


I found the function below that reverses a linked list recursively:

def recursive(self, head, end):
    if not head:
        return None, None
    if head.next == end:
        head.next = None
        return head, head
    newHead, newEnd = self.recursive(head.next, end)
    newEnd.next = head
    head.next = None
    return newHead, head

我了解覆盖基本情况的 if 语句.

I understand the if statements that cover for the base case.


递归是如何反转列表的?是否有更简单的递归版本来反转链表?作为参考,我正在解决 LeetCode 问题 206.反向链表:

How does that recursion work to reverse the list? Is there a more simple recursive version that reverses a linked list? For reference, I am solving LeetCode problem 206. Reverse Linked List:




 head                                                  end
  ↓                                                     ↓
┌───────────┐    ┌───────────┐                        ┌───────────┐
│ value: 85 │    │ value: 15 │                        │ value: 20 │
│ next: ———————→ │ next: ———————→ ...more nodes...——→ │ next:null │
└───────────┘    └───────────┘                        └───────────┘


The recursive part is based on the following observation:


If you can reverse a list that is one element shorter, which excludes the current head node, then we should arrive in a situation like this:

 head                                                  end
  ↓                                                     ↓
┌───────────┐    ┌───────────┐                        ┌───────────┐
│ value: 85 │    │ value: 15 │                        │ value: 20 │
│ next: ———————→ │           │                        │           │
│           │    │ next:null │ ←——...more nodes...←———————— :next │
└───────────┘    └───────────┘                        └───────────┘
                   ↑                                    ↑
                  newEnd                               newHead


At this stage we do not question how it did that. We just assume it works for the recursive case. So if it works correctly, we should get the above state of the list.

现在剩余的语句将链接当前的 head 节点,以便它完成对包括这个节点的列表的反转作业:

Now the remaining statements will link the current head node so that it finishes the reversal job for a list that includes this node also:

newEnd.next = head


 head                                                  end
  ↓                                                     ↓
┌───────────┐    ┌───────────┐                        ┌───────────┐
│ value: 85 │    │ value: 15 │                        │ value: 20 │
│ next: ———————→ │           │                        │           │
│           │ ←——————— :next │ ←——...more nodes...←———————— :next │
└───────────┘    └───────────┘                        └───────────┘
                   ↑                                    ↑
                  newEnd                               newHead


head.next = None

这两个赋值使当前的 head 成为我们从递归返回的反向列表的尾节点:

These two assignments have made the current head a tail node to the reversed list we got back from recursion:

 head                                                  end
  ↓                                                     ↓
┌───────────┐    ┌───────────┐                        ┌───────────┐
│ value: 85 │    │ value: 15 │                        │ value: 20 │
│ next:null │ ←——————— :next │ ←——...more nodes...←———————— :next │
└───────────┘    └───────────┘                        └───────────┘
                   ↑                                    ↑
                  newEnd                               newHead


Now we just need to tell the caller which is the head and tail node of this reversed list:

return newHead, head


When you look at the final state, you see indeed that those are the head and tail of the reversed list.


So, now, we know that:

  • 基本案例有效(你已经很清楚了)
  • 递归情况适用的条件是递归正确返回排除第一个节点的列表的反向列表

通过归纳,您可以看到,如果它适用于只有一个节点的列表,它也适用于具有 2、3、...等的列表.

By induction you can then see that if it works for a list with just one node, it also works for a list with 2, with 3, ...etc.

  • 您链接的 LeetCode 问题不使用 end 引用,因此您不需要使用它们.
  • 递归有其局限性.当列表很长时,您可能会遇到堆栈溢出异常.
  • The LeetCode problem you linked to does not use end references, so you should not need to use them.
  • Recursion has its limits. When the list is long, you could run into a stack overflow exception.

一种迭代方法是在您沿列表行走时保留前一个节点的引用并重新链接每个next 引用.下面是 LeetCode 挑战的工作原理(没有 end 参考):

An iterative method is to keep a reference of the preceding node while you walk along the list and relink each next reference. Here is how that works for the LeetCode challenge (no end reference):

class Solution:
    def reverseList(self, head: ListNode) -> ListNode:
        prev = None
        while head:
            head.next, prev, head = prev, head, head.next
        return prev


07-17 16:06