


I'm trying to create a function that can create an Action that increments whatever integer is passed in. However my first attempt is giving me an error "cannot use ref or out parameter inside an anonymous method body".

public static class IntEx {
    public static Action CreateIncrementer(ref int reference) {
        return () => {
            reference += 1;


I understand why the compiler doesn't like this, but nonetheless I'd like to have a graceful way to provide a nice incrementer factory that can point to any integer. The only way I'm seeing to do this is something like the following:

public static class IntEx {
    public static Action CreateIncrementer(Func<int> getter, Action<int> setter) {
        return () => setter(getter() + 1);


But of course that is more of a pain for the caller to use; requiring the caller to create two lambdas instead of just passing in a reference. Is there any more graceful way of providing this functionality, or will I just have to live with the two-lambda option?


好的,我发现如果在不安全的上下文中使用指针实际上 是可能的:

Okay, I've found that it actually is possible with pointers if in unsafe context:

public static class IntEx {
    unsafe public static Action CreateIncrementer(int* reference) {
        return () => {
            *reference += 1;


However, the garbage collector can wreak havoc with this by moving your reference during garbage collection, as the following indicates:

class Program {
    static void Main() {
        new Program().Run();

    int _i = 0;
    public unsafe void Run() {
        Action incr;
        fixed (int* p_i = &_i) {
            incr = IntEx.CreateIncrementer(p_i);
        Console.WriteLine(_i); // Yay, incremented to 1!
        Console.WriteLine(_i); // Uh-oh, still 1!


One can get around this problem by pinning the variable to a specific spot in memory. This can be done by adding the following to the constructor:

    public Program() {
        GCHandle.Alloc(_i, GCHandleType.Pinned);

这使垃圾收集器无法移动对象,所以我们正是重新寻找。但是,您必须添加一个析构函数以释放该销,并且销毁整个对象生命周期中的内存。真的没有那么容易。这在C ++中更有意义,因为C ++中的东西不会四处移动,资源管理是必不可少的,但是在C#中一切都应该是自动的,就没有那么多了。

That keeps the garbage collector from moving the object around, so exactly what we're looking for. However then you've got to add a destructor to release the pin, and it fragments the memory throughout the lifetime of the object. Not really any easier. This would make more sense in C++, where stuff doesn't get moved around, and resource management is par the course, but not so much in C# where all that is supposed to be automatic.


So looks like the moral of the story is, just wrap that member int in a reference type and be done with it.

(是的,这是我在问这个问题之前的工作方式,但是只是想弄清楚是否有一种方法可以摆脱我所有的问题引用< int>成员变量,只需使用常规整数即可。哦

(And yes, that's the way I had it working before asking the question, but was just trying to figure out if there was a way I could get rid of all my Reference<int> member variables and just use regular ints. Oh well.)


07-17 16:00