我们有一个点击处理程序,它使用react router 2.0 this.context.router.push()更新url。见下文:
We have a click handler that updates the url using the react router 2.0 this.context.router.push(). See below:
selectRelatedJob(slug) {
JobsActionCreators.getRelatedJobs({'sl': slug});
this.context.router.push({pathname: '/job', query: {sl: slug}});
Our goal is to fetch the new data based on the "sl" query string, but our componentWillMount() method is not being called because we are updating the url to the same path --- just a different query string. Instead the update lifecycle methods are being called. Our current approach is to call the action creators to fetch the data directly in the click handler. However, this seems redundant and hacky because we have already updated the url. Ideally, the component would get unmounted and remounted.
<Route component={App}>
<Route path="/" component={HomePage}/>
<Route path="job" component={JobPage}/>
<Route path="job/" component={JobPage}/>
What is the best case practice around navigating to the current url with a different query string?
<Route path="job/:id" component={JobDetailPage} />
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