这是我使用的库 https://github.com/php-twinfield/
It's an issue when I call the Oauth login. I have completed almost APIs with username and password but client wants it with Oauth. I think there is a problem in redirectUri. When I called Oauth it always show:
"success": false,
"error": "invalid_grant"
这是我的凭证.从邮件中获取Clientid和clientsecret,并从Openid Twinfield链接中设置重定向uri.如果证书有任何错误,请纠正我.
This is my credential. Clientid and clientsecret is obtained from mail and the redirect uri set from Openid Twinfield link. Please correct me if there is anything wrong in credential.
clientId : Demorent
clientSecret : /iY7gyWn3Hkdgs4XzUG66SDyPNkk177x3A==
redirectUri : https://www.oauth.client.redirect.uri.com
public function login(\Illuminate\Http\Request $request)
try {
// In the $request param all the credential given
$provider = new \PhpTwinfield\Secure\Provider\OAuthProvider([
'clientId' => $request->clientId,
'clientSecret' => $request->clientSecret,
'redirectUri' => $request->redirectUri
// Here pass the authorization code
$accessToken = $provider->getAccessToken("authorization_code", ["code" =>'NLA000067']);
$refreshToken = $accessToken->getRefreshToken();
$office = \PhpTwinfield\Office::fromCode("1008");
$connection = new \PhpTwinfield\Secure\OpenIdConnectAuthentication($provider, $refreshToken, $office);
$customerApiConnector = new \PhpTwinfield\ApiConnectors\CustomerApiConnector($connection);
$result = $customerApiConnector->get('1008',$office);
$jsonResponse = JsonResponse::success($result);
} catch(SoapFault $e) {
$jsonResponse = empty($e->getMessage()) ? JsonResponse::error(class_basename($e)) : JsonResponse::error($e->getMessage());
return $jsonResponse;
@AnandPandey, follow the steps below
You first need to build the url that you would invoke, to connect to Twinfield. And for doing that you should have the url as shown below.
1) redirect_uri 必须与您在Twinfield中注册的完全相同.
1) The redirect_uri needs to be exactly the same as that you have registered with Twinfield.
2)应该显示如上所示的 scope 参数,并且其值应与上面给出的值相同
2) the scope parameter as shown above should be present and with the same value as it is given above
3)验证您的client_id& client_secret
3) verify your client_id & client_secret
If all goes fine, you will be shown the Twinflield login page where in you need to login with your credentials. After successfull login you would be redirected to permission grants page to basically grant access to your application to access Twinfield data.Once you click on "Permit" you would be redirected back to the endpoint that you have specified with the authorization code.
下一步是调用Twinfield accessTokenUri https://login.twinfield.com/auth/authentication/connect/token带有以下标题
The next step is to invoke Twinfield accessTokenUrihttps://login.twinfield.com/auth/authentication/connect/tokenwith the following headers
header.add("redirect_uri", yourRegisteredRedirectUri);
header.add("grant_type", "authorization_code");
header.add("client_id", "Demorent");
header.add("client_secret", "/iY7gyWn3Hkdgs4XzUG66SDyPNkk177x3A==");
If all the above parameters passed is correct, you would get a response back with id_token, accessToken, refreshToken, token_type and expires_in
这篇关于"Invalid_grant";使用Twinfield Openid Oauth连接时的响应的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!