


We are developing a new version of our web application.We have multiple clients (500+), each client has its own database with its own data: users, products...


In the new version, all clients are going to share some data, for example, users are going to be in the platform but each client will be able to access to their users only, but instead of having the users for each client we want to have all the users in a centralize table.


Other things such as products, orders...are going to belong to each client.

每个客户端都将在其域中安装Web应用程序的副本.我们的应用程序是首先使用SQL Server的ASP MVC实体框架代码.

Each client will have a copy of the web app installed in their domain.Our app is an ASP MVC Entity Framework Code First, using SQL Server.


  • 选项A:每个客户一个数据库,其中包含其表(产品,订单...),以及一个公用数据库,用于存储用户和其他公用数据.

  • Option A: One database per client containing their tables (products, orders...) and one common database to store the users and other common data.


Option B: One big database containing all and add a ClientId to certain tables so the clients only see their data.


  • 使用选项A,我们有多个数据库,一个表中可以有100.000个订单,并且很容易检索该数据.另一方面,我们必须处理跨数据库查询并具有2个数据上下文.这是一个难题,因为我们需要为大多数查询检索用户数据,这意味着可以访问两个数据库,特定于客户端的数据库和通用数据库.

  • With Option A we have several databases, we can have 100.000 orders in a table and it is easy to retrieve that data. On the other hand we have to deal with cross database queries and having 2 Data Context. This is the prolem, beacuse we need to retrieve user data for most of the queries, that means access to both databases, the client specific and the common one.


With option B we just have to deal with 1 context and the queries are much more simple. The main concern for this approach is we could have some tables with more than 10.000 records per year, per client. So in 10 years, with 500 clients, we could have a table with 50 millions records and this could affect performance.




The thing here is not a question abou single vs multiple database because we have one more thing in the game, all clients need to access a common database.



Let's say we have decided to go for a single database for all our clients. So we will have multiple domains, each one with our application running, but we need each of them getting only their data.


How can we do this? Adding a ClientId to each table and filtering the data with a parameter "clientId" in the web.config of each site?



Option A would be the recommended approach as that will allow all different clients to query on their own selected transactional records and without any performance issues because of the requests from other clients.


Also, the option A would allow the entities based customization (if required in future) which would prove to be a challenge with option B. Multi-tenant based architecture is the recommendation.


The below mentioned resource can help you with some more options/possibilities.



07-17 12:49