


I have a ColdFusion page were a user can open a modal and view more information about a row of data. However if the user sits on the page longer than the default 20 minute session timeout, it throws an error because it's looking for the session variables and can't find them. I understand how to trap for this with server side code, but I can't seem to get the AJAX call to successfully determine if the session still exists.

下面是火,当用户点击按钮,打开模态的AJAX code。基本上,它检查是否有在CFC函数存在会话。我的问题是,它总是返回有效。

Here's the AJAX code that fires when the user hits the button to open the modal. Basically it's checking if the session exists with a function in a CFC. My problem, is that it always returns 'valid'.

//this checks if the session is expired
function checkSessionExists() {
        //this is the that has function
        url: 'components/Admin.cfc',

        //POST method is used
        type: "POST",
        //pass the data
        data: {
            method: "checkSessionExists"
        async:   false,
        success: function(response) {

            var obj = $.trim(response);

            if (obj == 'expired') { //it's never expired
                alert('Sorry, your session has expired.')
                window.location.href = "logout.cfm";
                return false;


        error: function(jqXHR, exception) {
            alert('Uncaught Error.\n' + jqXHR.responseText);
return false;


<cffunction name="checkSessionExists" access="remote" output="false" returntype="string" returnformat="plain" hint="I check if session is expired.">

    <cfif NOT structKeyExists(session, "alive")>
        <cfreturn "expired" />
        <cfreturn "valid" />


我在想,当我问CFC会话是否存在,它仍然有会话变量,因为页面没有刷新过二十分钟。所以...想知道我怎么会发一个AJAX请求到CFC并在CFC中的功能可按重新评估会话变量。任何帮助将是AP preciated感谢!

I'm thinking that when I ask the CFC if the session is there, it still has the session variables because the page hasn't refreshed in over twenty minutes. So... wondering how I would send an AJAX request to a CFC and have a funciton in the CFC re-evaluate the session variables. Any help would be appreciated thanks!



I'll depend on how you set up your session.alive value. Bear in mind that your code will return 'valid' as long as alive is present in session. If session.valid is set up in session init code, you'l get the response you're seeing.


Any request to a .cfm will cause the session timeout value to reset to now()+session duration. I've used this in the past to :

  1. 倾听KEYUP或点击页面上的事件。如果有这样的事件发生,设置一个布尔标志
  2. 每隔几分钟,检查值发送Ajax调用来保持会话处于活动状态,如果该值是真实的。然后,将变量设置为false


Then and the cycle repeats. It means that if your users are interacting with the site, their session will be kept open and they won't get thrown out at the end of what they were doing. If your business/site session policy allows, this can be a very nice setup.


07-17 12:21