

当使用GUI运行我的 JMeter脚本时,一些示例有时会出现Connection timed out 错误,但响应没有得到,但是如果我运行相同的测试几分钟后,我得到了相同样品的响应.

When am running my JMeter scripts using GUI for few of the samples sometimes am getting Connection timed out error and response are not getting, but if I run the same test after few mins I got the response for the same samples.


Can anybody please answer what is the solution for this?


Currently am checking the response time of each page, if add timers than the page response time will be showing more right?



There are at least 3 possibles reasons:

  • 您的服务器(意味着Web服务器正在处理请求及其后的任何组件)未正确处理负载并减慢速度,请监视系统并检查

  • Your server (meaning web servers handling request and any components after them) is not handling the load correctly and slowing down, monitor the system and check

您已经用完了注射器的临时端口,需要调整OS TCP设置以增加端口范围

You have exhausted your injector ephemeral ports , you need to adjust your OS TCP settings to increase port range

您正在GUI模式下运行负载测试,并且正在测试查看结果树",这是一种不好的做法,因为GC经常发生,可能会触发Stop The World导致此情况.按照最佳做法,请使用NON GUI模式:

You're running load test in GUI mode with a View Results Tree in test, this is bad practice as GC will happen frequently possibly triggering Stop The World leading to this. As per best-practices use NON GUI mode:

  • https://jmeter.apache.org/usermanual/best-practices.html
  • https://www.ubik-ingenierie.com/blog/jmeter_performance_tuning_tips/


07-17 11:32