


  1. 如果将两个ejb部署在不同的耳朵或不同的应用服务器中,并且一个调用另一个,则它们仍然需要XA独立性,即每个ejb都使用一个或多个db作为?

  1. If two ejbs are deployed in different ear or different applicationserver, and one call the other, they still required XA indipendent that each one use one or more db as ?

如果两个ejb部署在不同的服务器上,都用trans type = required注释,并且当第一个ejb调用第二个ejb时,新事务开始或使用第一个ejb的传播?

if two ejbs are deployed in different server, both are annotated with trans type = required,and when teh first ejb call the second, a new transaction start or use the propagation of first ejb?

**我的ejbs部署在Webpshere,Jboss,WebLogic上,并且可以使用JEE 5/6/7技术(EJB 2/3)编写.

**My ejbs are deployed on Webpshere, Jboss, WebLogic and can be written with JEE 5/6/7 technology(EJB 2/3).




如果事务类型为Required,则无论EJB的打包方式(相同或不同的EAR)还是它们的部署位置(相同或不同的服务器) (即默认值),则第一个bean发起的事务必须流到第二个bean,或者对第二个bean的调用必须导致错误.

Regardless of how the EJBs are packaged (same or different EAR) or where they are deployed (same or different server), if the transaction type is Required (i.e. the default) then the transaction initiated by the first bean must flow to the second bean, or the call to the second bean must result in an error.


The server vendor should make no difference, as the behavior is defined in the Transactions chapter of the EJB specification. However, if the call is between vendors, then it may be more likely that transaction context propagation is not supported, in which case the call to the second bean should be rejected with an exception.


Basically, if the client (1st bean) is running in a transaction and calls to a second bean with "Required", then the transaction context must propagate to the second bean or result in an error.


07-17 10:42