我是 React Hooks 的新手!我正在尝试在我的代码中使用 useState.当我使用它时,我发现了一个术语懒惰的初始状态"
I am new to react Hooks! Am trying to make use of useState in my code. While I was using it I found a term "Lazy initial state"
const [state, setState] = useState(() => {
const initialState = someExpensiveComputation(props);
return initialState;
But I am not able to think of any useCase where this lazy initializing of state will be useful!
比如我的 DOM 正在渲染并且它需要 state 值,但是我的 useState 还没有初始化它!并且说如果你已经渲染了 DOM 并且 useState ExpensiveComputation 已经完成,DOM 会重新渲染!!
Like say am my DOM is rendering and it needs the state value, but my useState has not yet initialized it yet!! And say if you have rendered the DOM and the useState ExpensiveComputation has finished will the DOM will re-render !!
传递给 useState
的参数是 initialState
The argument passed to useState
is the initialState
, the value which initializes your state in the first render and is disregarded in subsequent renders. But imagine the following situation
const Component = () =>{
const [state, setState] = useState(getInitialHundredItems())
Imagine this being called on each render needlessly (remember even though the initial value is disregarded upon next renders, the function which initializes it still gets called).
对于这样的用例,而不是仅仅提供一个值,您可以传递一个返回初始状态的 function
For use cases like this instead of just provide a value you can pass a function
which returns the initial state, this function will only be executed once (initial render) and not on each render like the above code will
const Component = () =>{
const [state, setState] = useState(getInitialHundredItems)
这篇关于惰性初始状态 - 是什么以及在哪里使用它?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!