

我需要为我的应用程序创建一个SQLite DB。我需要以几种欧洲语言存储文本,因此会有大量的重音字符和其他奇怪的标记。我正在扩展 SQLiteOpenHelper

I need to create a SQLite DB for my application. I'll need to store text in several European languages, so there will be plenty of accented characters and other weird marks. I'm extending SQLiteOpenHelper.

检查.db文件我注意到有一个名为<$ c $的额外表C> android_metadata 。有一个名为 locale 的列,在我的模拟器中默认设置为en_US。

Inspecting the .db file I noticed there's an extra table named android_metadata. There's a single column named locale, which is set to "en_US" by default in my simulator.

我'已经开发了开发人员指南中的SQLite部分,以及 SQLiteOpenHelper SQLiteDatabase 的javadoc,在SO和谷歌,但我无处可以找到将语言环境设置到数据库的正确位置,或者它是否真的是必要的。猜测它应该在数据库创建时完成,我尝试在帮助程序的 onCreate 方法中调用 db.setLocale ,但我' m,得到此异常:

I've readed the SQLite section in the developer guide, and also the javadocs for SQLiteOpenHelper and SQLiteDatabase, searched in SO and in Google, but nowhere I could find what is the correct place to set the locale to the DB, or if it is really neccesary. Guessing it should be done at DB creation, I tried calling db.setLocale in the helper's onCreate method, but I'm, getting this exception:

BEGIN TRANSACTION failed setting locale
android.database.sqlite.SQLiteException: cannot start a transaction within a transaction
at android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase.native_setLocale(Native Method)
at android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase.setLocale(SQLiteDatabase.java:1950)


public class MyOpenHelper extends SQLiteOpenHelper {

    public void onCreate(SQLiteDatabase db) {
        db.setLocale(new Locale("en","EN"));



  1. 我真的需要将语言环境设置为DB吗?我真的不需要开箱即用的查询,因为我总是可以自己对结果进行排序。

  2. 我应该在哪里调用 setLocale

  1. Do I really need to set the locale to the DB? I don't really need to get the queries sorted out of the box, as I can always sort the results myself later.
  2. Where should I call setLocale?


  1. 你需要仅当您打算使用 LOCALIZED 整理算法(取决于系统区域设置)时才设置区域设置

  2. 如您所述回答,在。

  1. You'll need to set the locale only if you intend to use the LOCALIZED collation algorithm, which depends on the system locale,
  2. As mentioned in your answer, call setLocale() on onConfigure().


07-17 10:34