I have changed the gradle to something like this,
这与 Google Dev 的文档一致.
which is in accordance with the documentation from Google Dev.
那我怎么知道我的应用程序是否支持 64 位?
then how do I know if my application supports 64 bits?
我尝试过构建 -> 分析 APK,但我没有找到 lib 文件夹或格式为 .so 的文件.如何解决这个问题?
I tried with Build -> Analyze APK, but I did not find the lib folder or file with the format .so.how to solved this?
64 位更改仅影响使用本机代码"的应用程序,即为设备上的处理器编译的代码,而不是用 Java 或科特林.
The 64 bit change only affects apps that use "native code", ie code that compiles for the processor on the device, as opposed to being written in Java or Kotlin.
If the former, then you should know how to target more processors (See this page).If the latter then you will need to talk to the developer of the third party library.
但是如果您的应用没有 .so 文件,并且它完全是用 Java 或 Kotlin 编写的,那么您不需要做任何事情,它支持 64 位.
But if your app has no .so files, and it is entirely written in Java or Kotlin, you don't need to do anything, it supports 64 bit.
这篇关于我怎么知道安卓应用支持 64 位?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!