Our lovely app that downloads mp3s from our server into a local file on the phone then plays from that file was rejected for using too much bandwidth.
I understand the rejection (we are downloading rather than streaming) and don't quibble with their decision... our first priority was quality of user experience.
I am just wondering... what do I do now?
没有严格的规则...... Apple只是说,苹果公司的合理判断决不能过度使用或过度负担网络容量或带宽。
There are no hard and fast rules... Apple just says, "Must not in Apple's reasonable judgment excessively use or unduly burden network capacity or bandwidth".
Anyone have data on what Apple considers reasonable data transfer rates?
Should I fill up the buffer file in short spurts? Should stream the file at a constant rate (and how would I limit the transfer rate from within the app?)
我已经与Apple开发人员支持人员进行了交谈,仅与FYI进行了讨论。您只能通过蜂窝网络每分钟流1 MB。支持建议您按以下方式测试您的应用程序:
I have talked with Apple Developer support, and just FYI. You are only allowed to stream 1 MB per minute over the Cellular network. Support suggest that you test your app in the following way:
基本的测量方法是关闭所有后台更新(特别是Mail的自动邮件下载和日历更新),重置设置:常规:用法:中的传输统计信息,然后启动您的应用程序。让它运行一段固定的时间(五分钟是合理的),然后退出您的应用程序。一旦您完成测试, 设置:常规:用法:中蜂窝网络数据下列出的数字是您应该关注的重点。
"The basic measurement methodology is to turn off all background updating (particularly Mail's automatic mail downloads and Calendar updates), reset the transfer statistics in "Settings:General:Usage:", and then launch your application. Let it run for a fixed amount of time (five minutes is reasonable), and then exit your application. Once you've finished the test, the numbers listed under "Cellular Network Data" in "Settings:General:Usage:" are what you should focus on reducing.
使用我刚才描述的内容,我会建议您每5分钟使用4.8 MB作为指导,以确保您的应用程序符合我们的带宽要求。
Using what I just described, I'd suggest 4.8 MB every 5 minutes as the guideline you use to ensure your application stays within our bandwidth requirements."