我正在使用新的 BiometricPrompt
我的应用程序中的Android P中的API(API 28).(我实际上是在基于此项目的包装器中使用它的,因此它可以在较早的版本上运行设备也可以,但这与问题无关.)这在我测试过的所有设备上都运行良好,除了带有面部解锁功能的三星S9之外.
I am using the new BiometricPrompt
API in Android P (API 28) in my application. (I am actually using it inside a wrapper based on this project so that it functions on older devices too, but that is not relevant to the question.) This is working very well on all devices I have tested, except for the Samsung S9 with face unlock.
即使当前的Android版本的 BiometricPrompt
目前仅实现指纹认证,三星似乎也对其进行了扩展以支持Face Unlock.当我在我的应用程序中触发生物特征认证时,底页"会弹出一个脸部图标(而不是所有其他设备上显示的指纹图标),并且在屏幕顶部会出现一些文字,指出未检测到脸部".(请注意,此处显示的图标是操作系统提供的,而不是我提供的,因此显然是三星的设计.)
Even though the stock Android version of BiometricPrompt
currently only implements fingerprint authentication, Samsung appears to have extended it to support Face Unlock as well. When I trigger biometric authentication in my app, the "bottom sheet" pops up with a face icon (instead of the fingerprint icon shown on all other devices) and at the top of the screen some text appears that says "no face detected". (Note that the icon shown here is provided by the operating system, not by me, so it is obviously of Samsung's design.)
根据文档, BiometricPrompt
仅应关闭自身,如果身份验证成功,则调用我的 onAuthenticationSucceeded
方法.根据 logcat
According to the documentation, the BiometricPrompt
is only supposed to close itself and call my onAuthenticationSucceeded
method if the authentication has been successful. According to logcat
, it looks like it has been successful:
I/IFaceDaemonCallback: BpFaceDaemonCallback onAcquired()
I/SS_3A: INFO: AEC: TsAec_process_get_aec_info: 650: [Id=132] algo_out g=1.785 e_time=0.025 IsLLS=0x0 Ev=7.422 Bv=2.348 ProEv=7.348 Cvgd=1 lux=261, lls=0x0
E/CHI: [SS_ERR ]: [CHI_FACTORY ]: chxseccamerafactoryusecase.cpp: ExecuteCaptureRequest: 452: pMetaData is NULL
I/FaceHal: face_processFrontImage[614398]
I/FaceServiceWrapper: ss_face_processFrontImage(data_len = 614398, width = 480, height = 640, rotation = 270)
I/NativeFaceService: FaceService::processFrontImage - data_len (614398) width(480) height(640) rotation(270) format(2)
I/sec_fr_engine_qsee: sec_fr_engine_on_authenticate_frame
D/sec_fr_engine_qsee: call QSEECom_send_cmd
I/SS_3A: INFO: AEC: TsAec_process_get_aec_info: 650: [Id=133] algo_out g=1.785 e_time=0.025 IsLLS=0x0 Ev=7.422 Bv=2.352 ProEv=7.352 Cvgd=1 lux=261, lls=0x0
E/CHI: [SS_ERR ]: [CHI_FACTORY ]: chxseccamerafactoryusecase.cpp: ExecuteCaptureRequest: 452: pMetaData is NULL
I/SS_3A: INFO: AEC: TsAec_process_get_aec_info: 650: [Id=134] algo_out g=1.864 e_time=0.025 IsLLS=0x0 Ev=7.359 Bv=2.332 ProEv=7.332 Cvgd=0 lux=262, lls=0x0
E/CHI: [SS_ERR ]: [CHI_FACTORY ]: chxseccamerafactoryusecase.cpp: ExecuteCaptureRequest: 452: pMetaData is NULL
I/SS_3A: INFO: AEC: TsAec_process_get_aec_info: 650: [Id=135] algo_out g=1.910 e_time=0.025 IsLLS=0x0 Ev=7.324 Bv=2.324 ProEv=7.324 Cvgd=0 lux=262, lls=0x0
E/CHI: [SS_ERR ]: [CHI_FACTORY ]: chxseccamerafactoryusecase.cpp: ExecuteCaptureRequest: 452: pMetaData is NULL
I/SS_3A: INFO: AEC: TsAec_process_get_aec_info: 650: [Id=136] algo_out g=1.920 e_time=0.025 IsLLS=0x0 Ev=7.316 Bv=2.316 ProEv=7.316 Cvgd=0 lux=262, lls=0x0
E/CHI: [SS_ERR ]: [CHI_FACTORY ]: chxseccamerafactoryusecase.cpp: ExecuteCaptureRequest: 452: pMetaData is NULL
I/sec_fr_engine_qsee: [Performance Log] QSEECom_send_cmd (129683) us in sec_fr_engine_on_authenticate_frame
D/sec_fr_engine_qsee: QSEECom_send_cmd Success
D/sec_fr_engine_qsee: return value from qsapp is 0
I/NativeFaceService: sec_fr_engine_on_authenticate_frame - status = [0], identified = [1], keepProcessing = [1]
I/NativeFaceService: identify succeeds
I/FaceServiceStorage: GetFileSize::Size of file: 196 bytes.
I/FaceServiceStorage: file size = 196
I/NativeFaceService: sid file length = 196
I/sec_fr_engine_qsee: sec_fr_engine_authenticated
D/sec_fr_engine_qsee: call QSEECom_send_cmd
I/SS_3A: INFO: AEC: TsAec_process_get_aec_info: 650: [Id=137] algo_out g=1.936 e_time=0.025 IsLLS=0x0 Ev=7.305 Bv=2.301 ProEv=7.301 Cvgd=0 lux=263, lls=0x0
I/sec_fr_engine_qsee: [Performance Log] QSEECom_send_cmd (12414) us in sec_fr_engine_authenticated
D/sec_fr_engine_qsee: QSEECom_send_cmd Success
D/sec_fr_engine_qsee: return value from qsapp is 0
I/FaceServiceCallback: sendAuthenticated in
I/faced_Proxy: wrapped_object_length = 0
I/IFaceDaemonCallback: BpFaceDaemonCallback onAuthenticated()
I/FaceServiceCallback: sendAuthenticated out
I/SemBioFaceServiceD: handleAuthenticated : 1
D/keystore: AddAuthenticationToken: timestamp = 168377203, time_received = 16675
I/SemBioFacePrompt: isSuccess = true
However, it then crashes with the following error:
E/keystore: getAuthToken failed: -3
W/System.err: javax.crypto.IllegalBlockSizeException
W/System.err: at android.security.keystore.AndroidKeyStoreCipherSpiBase.engineDoFinal(AndroidKeyStoreCipherSpiBase.java:519)
W/System.err: at javax.crypto.Cipher.doFinal(Cipher.java:2055)
W/System.err: at com.mycompany.myapp.activities.LoginActivity.onAuthenticationSuccessful(LoginActivity.java:560)
W/System.err: at com.mycompany.common.security.BiometricCallbackV28.onAuthenticationSucceeded(BiometricCallbackV28.kt:18)
W/System.err: at com.samsung.android.bio.face.SemBioFaceManager.sendAuthenticatedSucceeded(SemBioFaceManager.java:1507)
W/System.err: at com.samsung.android.bio.face.SemBioFaceManager.access$2400(SemBioFaceManager.java:73)
W/System.err: at com.samsung.android.bio.face.SemBioFaceManager$3.lambda$onAuthenticationSucceeded$1(SemBioFaceManager.java:1673)
W/System.err: at com.samsung.android.bio.face.-$$Lambda$SemBioFaceManager$3$GGUPv9osWllaLwJM7Wg6GJEWK8E.run(Unknown Source:6)
W/System.err: at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(Handler.java:873)
W/System.err: at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:99)
W/System.err: at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:214)
W/System.err: at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:6981)
W/System.err: at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
W/System.err: at com.android.internal.os.RuntimeInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(RuntimeInit.java:493)
W/System.err: at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:1445)
W/System.err: Caused by: android.security.KeyStoreException: Key user not authenticated
W/System.err: at android.security.KeyStore.getKeyStoreException(KeyStore.java:1168)
W/System.err: at android.security.keystore.KeyStoreCryptoOperationChunkedStreamer.update(KeyStoreCryptoOperationChunkedStreamer.java:132)
W/System.err: at android.security.keystore.KeyStoreCryptoOperationChunkedStreamer.doFinal(KeyStoreCryptoOperationChunkedStreamer.java:217)
W/System.err: at android.security.keystore.AndroidKeyStoreCipherSpiBase.engineDoFinal(AndroidKeyStoreCipherSpiBase.java:506)
W/System.err: ... 14 more
According to the documentation, the success of the biometric authentication should have unlocked the keystore, but that has clearly not happened as shown by the Key user not authenticated
message in the exception.
在尝试使用BiometricPrompt API将用户身份验证到我的应用程序时,我遇到了同样的问题.我与三星技术支持联系,他们确认三星的面部识别不够安全,无法解锁Android Keystore.
I had this same issue when attempting to use the BiometricPrompt APIs to authenticate users into my app. I reached out to Samsung technical support and they confirmed that Samsungs face recognition is not secure enough to unlock the Android Keystore.
这是有道理的,因为当前的三星Galaxy设备(S8,S9,S10)没有进行面部3D成像所需的硬件(有传言说Pixel 4可以做到).这让我想起了三星在S5上首次实现的指纹识别,该指纹识别不符合Google的技术规格,并且在升级到棉花糖后无法正常工作.
This makes sense since the current Samsung Galaxy devices (S8, S9, S10) do not have the necessary hardware to do 3D imaging of a face (rumor has it that the Pixel 4 will). This reminds me of Samsungs first fingerprint implementation, on the S5 I believe, that did not meet Google's technical specifications and didn't work after upgrading to Marshmallow.
Below is the actual reply that I received from Samsung tech support:
Currently, you can not use Face Biometric in your application to authenticate. Alternatively, you may guide the user to change Preferred Biometric to Fingerprint / Iris by showing a pop up (to open biometric preference setting) while getting these exceptions.
奇怪的是,我再也看不到Galaxy S10的崩溃.身份验证仅返回错误代码.这可能会更糟,因为它破坏了建议的修复程序.啊.
Curiously, I no longer see the crash on the Galaxy S10. The authentication just returns an error code. This may be even worse since it breaks their suggested fix. Ugh.
这篇关于脸部解锁,Samsung S9上的BiometricPrompt崩溃的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!