

我正在使用一个不太可靠的(Qt / windows)应用程序,该应用程序部分是由第三方为我们编写的(只是试图将责任推到那儿)。他们的最新版本更加稳定。有点。我们收到的崩溃报告较少,但是我们却收到很多有关崩溃的报告,而且这些报告永远不会回来。环境千差万别,我们只能收集很少的信息,所以我们无法重现这些问题。

I'm working with a somewhat unreliable (Qt/windows) application partly written for us by a third party (just trying to shift the blame there). Their latest version is more stable. Sort of. We're getting fewer reports of crashes, but we're getting lots of reports of it just hanging and never coming back. The circumstances are varied, and with the little information we can gather, we haven't been able to reproduce the problems.


So ideally, I'd like to create some sort of watchdog which notices that the application has locked up, and offers to send a crash report back to us. Nice idea, but there are problems:

  • 看门狗如何知道进程已挂起?大概我们检测到应用程序会定期向看门狗说一切正常,但我们在哪里放置它以确保它经常发生,但不太可能出现在应用程序终止时的代码路径上

  • How does the watchdog know the process has hung? Presumably we instrument the application to periodically say "all ok" to the watchdog, but where do we put that such that it's guarenteed to happen frequently enough, but isn't likely to be on a code path that the app ends up on when it's locked.

当崩溃发生时,看门狗应报告哪些信息? Windows有一个不错的调试API,因此我有信心可以访问所有有趣的数据,但是我不确定什么对跟踪问题有用。

What information should the watchdog report when a crash happens? Windows has a decent debug api, so I'm confident that all the interesting data is accessible, but I'm not sure what would be useful for tracking down the problems.



You want a combination of a minidump (use DrWatson to create these if you don't want to add your own mini-dump generation code) and userdump to trigger a minidump creation on a hang.


The thing about automatically detecting a hang is that its difficult to decide when somethings hung and when its just slow or blocked by IO wait. I personally prefer to allow the user to crash the app deliberately when they think its hung. Apart from being a lot easier (my apps don't tend to hang often, if at all :) ), it also helps them to "be part of the solution". They like that.


Firstly, check out the classic bugslayer article concerning crashdumps and symbols, which also has some excellent information regarding what's going on with these things.


Second, get userdump which allows you to create the dumps, and instructions for setting it up to generate dumps

有了转储后,在WinDBG中将其打开,便可以检查整个程序状态-包括线程和调用堆栈,寄存器,内存和函数参数。我想您会对使用 。 (CDB相当于windbg的命令行)

Ps. Quick google reminded me of this: Debugging deadlocks. (CDB is the command line equivalent of windbg)


07-17 08:57