1。首先,我认识到Modal Picker Windows没有过滤器文本框。如果你有太多选择,那可能会有问题。您必须自定义每个窗口。或者,Lightswitch可以生成过滤的组合框。我该如何解决这个问题?
1. Firstly, I recognize that Modal Picker Windows does not have filter textbox. If you have too many options, It can be problem. You must customise every window. Alternatively, Lightswitch can generate a filtered combobox. How can I solve that problem?
2。如何为列表自定义搜索更多条件? 按钮点击等?
2. How can I do custom search more criteria for a list ? Button click etc.?
This will help I hope :) .
1- Create your screen as you like it fit
2-添加数据项 - >查询 - >选择你的桌子(全部) - >确定
2- Add Data Item -> Query -> Select your table (All) -> Ok
3- Edit the query for the table you just create to match your needs (For now think that you have one parameter that you make the filter with)
4-添加对话框 - >将参数和表格拖动到对话框
4- Add Dialog -> Drag the parameter and the table to the dialog
5-该表格将是一个列表 - >选择表格的摘要字段 - > properties - >编辑后期渲染 代码 - >添加此代码
5- The table will be a List -> Select the Summary filed of the table -> properties -> Edit Post Render Code -> add this code
contentItem.screen.TheRelatedTable.selectedItem.TheFiled = contentItem.screen.TheTable.selectedItem;
contentItem.screen.TheRelatedTable.selectedItem.TheFiled = contentItem.screen.TheTable.selectedItem;
// Thanks to
// Michael Zlatkovsky(MSFT)