

我认为我通过运行一个基本SDK设置为iOS 6.1的应用程序(甚至可能更低的版本,也没有测试过),在最新的iOS 7中发现一个错误

我的照片库中有此图片: ...那样!

  • 不要使用 UIImagePickerControllerEditedImage ,而改用原始图片。

  • 使用第三方裁剪库,例如或

  • 编辑 - 由粉丝添加的非常简单的解决方案


    // iOS中有一个错误。当使用ALBUM,你必须自己裁剪:

    fromAlbum = [info objectForKey:UIImagePickerControllerOriginalImage];
    fromAlbum = [fromAlbum fixOrientation];

    CGRect crop = [[info valueForKey:@UIImagePickerControllerCropRect] CGRectValue];
    fromAlbum = [self ordinaryCrop:fromAlbum toRect:crop];


       - (UIImage *)normalCrop:(UIImage *)imageToCrop toRect:(CGRect)cropRect 
    CGImageRef imageRef = CGImageCreateWithImageInRect([imageToCrop CGImage],cropRect);
    UIImage * cropped = [UIImage imageWithCGImage:imageRef];
    return cropped;


    修复UIImage方向... UIImage + fixOrientation.h


    I think I found a bug in latest iOS 7 by running an app with Base SDK set to iOS 6.1 (possibly even lower versions too, haven't tested that out yet)

    I have this image in my photo library: http://i.imgur.com/7KUIGLt.jpg

    I present a UIImagePickerController via:

    UIImagePickerController *vc = [[UIImagePickerController alloc] init];
    vc.sourceType = UIImagePickerControllerSourceTypePhotoLibrary;
    vc.delegate = self;
    vc.allowsEditing = YES;
    [self presentViewController:vc animated:YES completion:nil];

    I save the chosen image to my desktop (I am running this on simulator, but this works on device too)

    - (void)imagePickerController:(UIImagePickerController *)picker didFinishPickingMediaWithInfo:(NSDictionary *)info {
        UIImage* outputImage = [info objectForKey:UIImagePickerControllerEditedImage];
        if (outputImage == nil) {
            outputImage = [info objectForKey:UIImagePickerControllerOriginalImage];
        NSData *d = UIImagePNGRepresentation(outputImage);
        [d writeToFile:@"/Users/Admin/Desktop/test.png" atomically:YES];
        [self dismissViewControllerAnimated:YES completion:nil];

    This is the resulting image:

    Notice the big black bar to the right. What's causing this?

    To reproduce this, you need:

    • iOS 7
    • App with Base SDK set to 6.1 (maybe even lower SDKs too, i haven't tried yet)
    • iPhone 5/5c/5s
    • Only happens to pictures that were taken with iPhone 5/5c/5s camera (you can use the original image I linked above for testing)

    NOTE: Just to be clear, the black bar is part of the actual image. The image you see there is not a screenshot of a UIImageView, but the actual image saved to disk and uploaded here...


    Your question is "What's causing this?" So I'll focus on that instead of giving a workaround.This is definitely a bug in iOS 7 dealing with edited images in lower base SDKs. We can also rule out that XCode 5 & Base SDK 6.1 causing this because I'm getting the same issue with XCode 4.6.3 & 6.1 SDK running on iOS 7 Simulator.

    The source of the problem is that the CropRect values that are calculated by the SDK are wrong.If you'll print out the info NSDictionary from imagePickerController:didFinishPickingMediaWithInfo you'll see that:

    iOS 7 running any SDK lower than 7 we'll get:

    While running iOS 6 or 5 with their SDK will give us:

    You're probably saying, hmm, those y values are changing between SDKs too. Well, yea, if you'll slide your pic all the way down and select it you'll also get a black bar at the bottom of the picture.

    Suggested Solutions:

    1. ...Did that!

    2. Don't use UIImagePickerControllerEditedImage and take the original picture instead.

    3. Calculate and do the cropping your self.

    4. Use a 3rd party cropping library such as PEPhotoCropEditor or SSPhotoCropperViewController

    Edit - very simple solution added by fan of the answer!

    Amazingly, it can be this simple and elegant to crop it yourself:

    // There is a bug in iOS. When using ALBUM, you must crop it yourself:
    fromAlbum = [info objectForKey:UIImagePickerControllerOriginalImage];
    fromAlbum = [fromAlbum fixOrientation];
    CGRect crop = [[info valueForKey:@"UIImagePickerControllerCropRect"] CGRectValue];
    fromAlbum = [self ordinaryCrop:fromAlbum toRect:crop];

    Here's the whole routine ordinaryCrop:toRect:

    -(UIImage *)ordinaryCrop:(UIImage *)imageToCrop toRect:(CGRect)cropRect
     CGImageRef imageRef = CGImageCreateWithImageInRect([imageToCrop CGImage], cropRect);
     UIImage *cropped = [UIImage imageWithCGImage:imageRef];
     return cropped;

    Now as Jesse points out, it is critical to rotate the image properly. This absolutely incredible piece of code by Anomie does the job:

    iOS UIImagePickerController result image orientation after upload

    Fixing UIImage orientation .. UIImage+fixOrientation.h

    It's that simple, hope it helps someone. Thanks again for the priceless answers here.


    07-17 07:55