

我在应用程序中使用UIImagePickerController拍照,并且使用自己的控件,这意味着UIImagePickerController showsCameraControls属性设置为NO,并且在overlayView内有一个UIButton可以拍摄照片.现在,我注意到我保存在照片库中的图像实际上显示的区域比预览视图中显示的区域更大.还有其他人遇到过同样的问题吗?有什么解决方案可以使图片显示预览中的内容吗?

I'm using UIImagePickerController in my app to take pictures and I'm using my own controls, which means that the UIImagePickerController showsCameraControls property is set to NO and I have a UIButton inside the overlayView that shoots the pictures. Now, I noticed that the image that I save in the Photo Library is actually showing a bigger area than what shows in the preview view. Has anybody else had the same issue? Any solution to get the picture showing just what was in the preview?



By preview I assume, you are talking about image picker interface (and not the Default preview screen that appears after dismissing the image picker interface).


The transforms you apply to image picker interface (using cameraViewTransform) donot reflect on the image taken. For example, if you are trying to zoom (in and out) applying scale, you need to apply the same(transform) on the image obtained in order to keep the image in image picker interface and actual saved image in sync.
Also you will have to consider the image orientation into consideration while applying the transforms.


07-17 07:54