I have a dilemma. I've used DI (read: factory) to provide core components for a homebrew ORM.The container provides database connections, DAO's,Mappers and their resultant Domain Objects on request.
以下是Mappers和Domain Object类的基本概述
Here's a basic outline of the Mappers and Domain Object classes
class Mapper{
public function __constructor($DAO){
$this->DAO = $DAO;
public function load($id){
return Monitor::members[$id];
$values = $this->DAO->selectStmt($id);
//field mapping process omitted for brevity
$Object = new Object($values);
return $Object;
class User(){
public function setName($string){
$this->name = $string;
//mark modified by means fair or foul
The ORM also contains a class (Monitor) based on the Unit of Work pattern i.e.
class Monitor(){
private static array modified;
private static array dirty;
public function markClean($class);
public function markModified($class);
The ORM class itself simply co-ordinates resources extracted from the DI container. So, to instantiate a new User object:
$Container = new DI_Container;
$ORM = new ORM($Container);
$User = $ORM->load('user',1);
//at this point the container instantiates a mapper class
//and passes a database connection to it via the constructor
//the mapper then takes the second argument and loads the user with that id
$User->setName('Rumpelstiltskin');//at this point, User must mark itself as "modified"
My question is this. At the point when a user sets values on a Domain Object class, I need to mark the class as "dirty" in the Monitor class. I have one of three options as I can see it
1:将Monitor类的实例传递给Domain Object。我注意到这在FirePHP中被标记为递归-即
$ this-> Monitor-> markModified($ this)
1: Pass an instance of the Monitor class to the Domain Object. I noticed this gets marked as recursive in FirePHP - i.e. $this->Monitor->markModified($this)
3:将Monitor方法设为静态,然后从Domain Object内调用它们-这样也会破坏DI吗?
2: Instantiate the Monitor directly in the Domain Object - does this break DI?3: Make the Monitor methods static, and call them from inside the Domain Object - this breaks DI too doesn't it?
What would be your recommended course of action (other than use an existing ORM, I'm doing this for fun...)
Okay, I see. What about this:
$user = new User;
$monitoredUser = new Monitor( $user );
//at update in class Monitor:
Monitor::markDirty( $this );
Now you use the Monitor as a decorator; it adds a shell around the user object or any other object that handles incoming requests. If an object gets updated it will be marked dirty by the monitor, however because the Monitor uses a static method for this it remains within the current class scope thus avoiding recursion.