本文介绍了Adobe Analytics 覆盖访问者 ID的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我需要使用自定义值覆盖由 Adob​​e Analytics s_code 自动设置的默认访问者 ID.
此处所述,我可以设置s.visitorID 变量用于此目的,但我不清楚如何以及何时这样做.
我想这个变量应该设置到 s_code 本身中,但我担心自动访问者 ID 无论如何都会用于第一个 st() 调用,代替我想使用的自定义值.


另外,假设自定义值是在 GET 参数中传递的,我想知道是否图像请求上的查询字符串参数"(vid"参数)可用于这种情况.以及如何(是上面链接中列出的第二种方法).


I need to overwrite the default visitorID, that's automatically set by Adobe Analytics s_code, with a custom value.
As explained here, I may set the s.visitorID variable for this purpose but It's not clear to me how, and overall when, doing so.
I guess this variable should be set into the s_code itself but I fear that the automatic visitorID would be used anyway for the first s.t() call, in the place of the custom value I'd like to use.

In fact, I want that since the first automatic request the custom visitorID is used.

In addiction, assumed that the custom value is passed within a GET parameter, I'd like to know if the "Query string parameter on the image request" ("vid" param) could be used for this scenario. and how (is the second method listed in the link above).

Thank you.


关于自己设置访问者 ID 的一些想法和警告:

Some thoughts and words of warning about setting the vistor id yourself:

自己设置访问者 ID 有一些好处.主要好处是您可以 100% 控制访问(或)的跟踪方式.这样做的另一个很好的理由是,如果您的网站上已经有一个访问者 ID 基础设施,那么将 AA 的访问者 ID 设置为您已有的可能会更容易将数据绑定到 AA 和其他地方或在 AA 和其他地方之间交叉引用数据利用该访客 ID.

There are some benefits to setting the visitor id yourself. The main benefit is that you are 100% in control of how visit(or)s are tracked. Another good reason to do this is if you already have a visitor id infrastructure in place on your site, setting AA's visitor id to what you already have can potentially make it easier to tie data to or cross-reference data between AA and other places that utilize that visitor id.

旁注.. 可以从 Adob​​e 的各个地方(例如数据仓库、数据工作台、使用 Adob​​e API)获取访问者 ID,但目前 Adob​​e 中没有报告分析本身可以查看访问者 ID,即使您自己设置.为了解决这个问题,您还可以将其分配给一个 prop 和/或 eVar,它们在 AA 报告中可见.但这对于 3rd 方 cookie 跟踪是不可能的(因为 javascript 无法读取 3rd 方 cookie),因此这是自己设置的另一个好处.

Sidenote for that.. It is possible to get the visitor ids from Adobe from various places (e.g. Data Warehouse, Data Workbench, using the Adobe API), but currently there is no report in Adobe Analytics itself to see the visitor id, even if you set it yourself. To get around this, you can also assign it to a prop and/or eVar, which is visible in AA reports. But this is not possible with the 3rd party cookie tracking (because javascript cannot read 3rd party cookies), so that is another benefit to setting it yourself.

除此之外,IMO 自己设置基本上没有任何好处.另一方面......现在有一些警告......

Beyond that, IMO there are basically no benefits to setting it yourself. On the other hand.. now for some warnings...

visitorIDvid 或等效物中设置值不会导致 AA 更新其 cookie 中的访问者 ID.AA 继续在 cookie 中生成/输出访问者 ID,然后在 AA 服务器上,它只是用您的访问者 ID 覆盖该值(在后端,在收集服务器上).但它不会使用您的新访客 ID 更新 cookie.

Setting a value in visitorID or vid or equivalent does NOT cause AA to update the visitor id in its cookie. AA continues to generate/output the visitor id in the cookie and then on AA server, and it simply overwrites that value with your visitor id for that hit (on the backend, on the collection server). But it does NOT update the cookie with your new visitor id.

这里的含义是,如果您想自己设置访问者 ID,您实际上是在为自己负责跟踪访问者.因此,您必须拥有自己的基础设施,不仅生成 ID,而且保留它并将其与访问者联系起来,以便它可以在访问者查看的每个页面上输出 - 包括如果访问者在多个域之间导航您的跟踪代码在(如果适用)上实现.

The implication here is that if you want to set the visitor id yourself, you are essentially putting the responsibility on yourself to keep track of the visitor. So, you must have your own infrastructure in place that not only generates the id, but preserves it and ties it to the visitor, so that it can be output on every page the visitor views - including if the visitor navigates between multiple domains your tracking code is implemented on (if applicable).

如果您不这样做,那么访问(或)将中断并计为从一个页面到另一个页面的新访问(或),或者当访问者从域 A 跳转到域 B 时.中断实际发生的频率与您自己实际输出访问者 ID(具有正确值)的频率直接相关.例如,如果您只在第一次点击时设置它,然后从不设置它,则访问(或)将中断一次,因为从第二次点击 + AA 将默认使用其自己生成的访问者 ID.

If you do not do this, then the visit(or) will break and count as a new visit(or) going from page to page, or when the visitor hop from domainA to domainB. How often the break actually occurs is directly tied to how often you are actually outputting the visitor id yourself (with a correct value). For example if you only set it on first hit, and then on never set it, the visit(or) will break once, because from 2nd hit + AA will just default to using its own generated visitor id.

从这个角度来看......我已经在网络分析领域工作了将近 10 年,其中最后 6 人在一家知名的网络分析机构全职工作,所以这基本上就是我所做的一切为了生计.我曾经与我一起工作过,我什至不知道现在有多少客户(肯定超过 100 个),并且只有一个客户真正完成了自己设置访问者 ID 的过程.我只是提到这一点,以便您了解(无论如何,根据我的经验),这不是大多数客户开始的事情.因此,在执行此操作之前,请确保您对生成和跟踪访问者 ID 值的方法绝对有信心.

To put this into perspective.. I've had my fingers in the web analytics pie for almost 10 years now, the last 6 of them working full time for a high profile web analytics agency, so this is basically all I do for a living. I've worked with I don't even know how many clients by now (over 100 for sure), and there has only been one client who actually went through with setting the visitor id themselves. I'm just mentioning this so that you understand that (from my experience, anyways), this is not something most clients embark upon. So, make sure you are absolutely confident about your methods for generating and keeping track of visitor id values before doing this.


Having said that, if you still want to do this...

首先,要清楚您发布的链接,这些是如何根据您的实施设置访问者 ID 的示例.Adobe 提供了多种记录数据的方法,javascript 方法只是一种方法.该页面上的示例显示了您为其他一些方式(包括 js 方式)设置的内容.

Firstly, to be clear about the link you posted, those are examples of how the visitor id can be set depending on your implementation. Adobe offers several ways to record data, and the javascript method is just one way. The examples on that page show what you'd set for some of the other ways (including the js way).

这里的要点是,并非所有这些方法都与您相关,具体取决于您的实施.例如,如果您仅使用 javascript 实现 AA(无论是核心 s_code.js 还是通过 DTM 或 w/e),那么唯一与您相关的就是 s.visitorID.

The point here is that not all of those methods may be relevant to you, depending on your implementation. For example, if you are only implementing AA with javascript (whether it be the core s_code.js or through DTM or w/e), the only one relevant to you is s.visitorID.

例如,是的,您可以使用 s.visitorID 来覆盖 AA 的默认访问者 ID 生成,用于 javascript 实现.如果您设置该变量,您将看到 vid 参数出现在对 AA 的请求中(查看使用数据包嗅探器或浏览器插件或开发工具网络发送到 AA 收集服务器的请求)/交通标签).

So for example, yes, you can use s.visitorID to override AA's default visitor id generation, for javascript implementation. If you set that variable, you will see the vid param show up in the request to AA (look at the request sent to the AA collection server with a packet sniffer, or with browser addon or dev tools net/traffic tab).

在该链接中提到 vid 的原因是因为如果您手动构建到 AA 的请求 URL,您将使用它.例如,如果您不想使用 javascript 实现,而是想使用服务器端逻辑自行构建和输出图像标签,或者直接从您的服务器(例如 cURL)向 Omniture 发送数据,则 vid 参数是您为访客 ID 设置的内容.

The reason vid was mentioned on that link is because that is what you'd use if you are manually building the request URL to AA. For example, if you don't want to use the javascript implementation, and instead want to use server-side logic to build and output an image tag yourelf, or send data to Omniture directly from your server (e.g. cURL), the vid param is what you'd set for the visitor id.

旁注:硬编码您自己的图像请求是对移动设备跟踪的一种倒退,当时移动设备并未始终或完全支持 javascript.如今几乎所有现代移动设备都完全支持 javascript,除此之外,Adobe 已经做了大量工作,将核心 AA 库精简为更精简、更高效,无论是在桌面还是移动浏览器上查看(确保您是使用最新版本的 AppMeasurement 库).

Sidenote: hardcoding your own image request is kind of a throwback for mobile device tracking in earlier times when mobile devices did not consistently or fully support javascript. Pretty much all modern mobile devices these days fully support javascript, and on top of that, Adobe has done a lot of work over time streamlining the core AA library to be leaner and more efficient whether viewing on desktop or mobile browser (make sure you are using the latest version of AppMeasurement library).

所以如果你使用的是javascript库,你不需要担心vid参数,因为js库已经做到了.尽管出于 QA 目的,您可以检查它是否与给定请求的值一起存在.

So IOW if you are using the javascript library, you don't need to worry about the vid param, because the js library already does it. Although for QA purposes, you can check that it is there with your value on a given request.

至于如何"设置它……假设您使用 javascript 实现它:您可以像设置任何其他 AA 变量一样设置它.在 AA 库加载和 s.ts.tl 触发器之间的某个地方,您为其分配一个值,例如

As far as "how" to set it.. assuming you're implementing it with javascript: you set it like any other AA variable. Somewhere between the AA library loading and the s.t or s.tl trigger, you assign a value to it, e.g.


具体设置的位置取决于您实施 AA 的方式.例如,如果您已经通过 DTM 实现了 AA,并且您在加载 DTM 库之前在您的页面上公开了您的自定义访问者 ID(例如某些数据层属性,或在 cookie 中),您可以创建一个数据元素来抓取它值,然后在 AA > 工具配置 > Cookie > 访问者 ID 字段中,您可以指定您的数据元素,DTM 将为您设置它(但您仍需负责确保数据元素的来源是否存在)

Where specifically you set it, depends on how you have implemented AA. For example, if you have implemented AA through DTM, and you have your custom visitor id exposed on your page before the DTM library is loaded (e.g. some data layer property, or in a cookie), you can create a data element that grabs that value, and then in the AA > Tool Config > Cookie > Visitor ID field, you can specify your data element, and DTM will set it for you (but you are still responsible for making sure whatever source the data element draws from is there)

再一次,请注意,即使您设置了它,您仍然会在他们的 cookie 和请求 url 中看到 AA 的默认生成 id.覆盖发生在 AA 的收集服务器上,您无法看到该服务器.要验证 AA 是否确实在使用您的自定义值,您需要从 AA 导出它(例如,使用数据仓库导出).

And again, note that even if you set it, you will still see AA's default generated id in their cookie and request urls. The override happens on AA's collection server, which you do not have visibility into. To verify that AA is actually using your custom value, you will need to export it from AA (e.g.with a data warehouse export).

这篇关于Adobe Analytics 覆盖访问者 ID的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

07-17 07:06