

我正在尝试学习 MVC5 的细节,但我遇到了一些让我感到困惑的事情.在带有个人身份验证的 MVC5 项目默认附带的 accountController 中,异步登录和注册方法中有这行代码

I am trying to learn the details of MVC5 and I came across something that baffles me. In the accountController that comes by default with an MVC5 project with Individual Auth there is this line of code in the async Login and Register methods

var result = await UserManager.CreateAsync(user, model.Password);

我在这里阅读 http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/hh191443.aspx 这是一种正常做法,但我不明白为什么您会使用异步方法并在同一行中等待.在这里只使用接受相同参数的 .Create 方法不是更有意义吗?

I read here http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/hh191443.aspx that this is a normal practice, but I do not understand why you would ever use an asynchronous method and await in the same line. Wouldn't it make more sense to just use the .Create method that takes the same parameters here?


SomeMethod()await SomeMethodAsync() 的区别在于后者不会阻塞方法执行 IO 时的线程.因此,应用程序变得更具可扩展性,因为它可以使用较少数量的线程来处理相同数量的请求.

The difference between SomeMethod() and await SomeMethodAsync() is that the latter won't block a thread while the method performs IO. Because of that, the application becomes more scalable, because it can use smaller number of threads to serve the same number of requests.


If you don't care about scalability, then it doesn't matter much which of the two options are you going to choose. But it's probably still better to use the async version, to future-proof your application, so that your application behaves well when scalability becomes an issue.


07-17 06:36