In one app, saw these two in proguard rules used in same rule file.
-keep public class com.google.gson.**
-keep public class com.google.gson.** {public private protected *;}
first one has only class.second one brackets with some more details.
why it needs two rules? isnt the first one also apply to the class members?
第一个选项( -keep public class com.google.gson.**
The first option (-keep public class com.google.gson.**
) will preserve the public class names in the package com.google.gson and all underlying packages but not their members.
使用第二个选项,等效于 -keep公共类com.google.gson.** {*;}
With the second option, which is equivalent to -keep public class com.google.gson.** { *; }
you will preserve the public class names together with their members. Commenting out the first -keep option should make no difference.
您可以使用 ProGuard游乐场来查看ProGuard配置对类的影响在您的jar/apk中.我已经使用这些-keep选项创建了一个,您可以通过单击链接打开它.
You can use the ProGuard Playground to see the effect of your ProGuard configuration on the classes inside your jar/apk. I created one already with these -keep options which you can open by clicking the link.