我正在寻找一个免费的开源工具集,它可以编译各种经典"脚本语言,例如Korn Shell、ksh、csh、bash 等作为可执行文件 -- 如果脚本调用其他程序或可执行文件,则将它们包含在单个可执行文件中.
I'm looking for a free open source tool-set that will compile various "classic" scripting languages, e.g. Korn Shell, ksh, csh, bash etc. as an executable -- and if the script calls other programs or executables, for them to be included in the single executable.
混淆交付给客户的代码,以免泄露我们的知识产权 - 交付到客户自己的机器/系统上,我无法控制我的权限可以设置有关访问权限,因此程序文件必须是二进制文件,因此无法通过在文本编辑器或
To obfuscate the code for delivery to a customer so as not to reveal our Intellectual Property - for delivery onto a customer's own machine/systems for which I have no control over what permissions I can set regarding access, so the program file has to be binary whereby the workings cannot be easily seen by viewing in a text editor or
To make a single, simply deployed program for the customer without/or a minimal amount of any external dependencies.
I would prefer something simple without the need for package manager since:
I can't rely on the customer's knowledge to carry out (un) packaging instructions and
I can't rely on the policies governing their machines regarding installing packages (and indeed from third parties).
The simplest preferred approach is to be able to compile to proper machine code a single executable that will run out of the box without any dependencies.
完全满足我需求的解决方案是 SHC——一个免费工具,或者 CCsh 一个商业工具.两者都将 shell 脚本编译为 C,然后可以使用 C 编译器进行编译.
The solution that fully meets my needs would be SHC - a free tool, or CCsh a commercial tool. Both compile shell scripts to C, which then can be compiled using a C compiler.
关于 SHC 的链接:
Links about SHC:
- https://github.com/neurobin/shc
- http://www.datsi.fi.upm.es/~frosal/
- http://www.downloadplex.com/Linux/System-Utilities/Shell-Tools/Download-shc_70414.html
关于 CCsh 的链接:
Links about CCsh:
这篇关于如何将 linux shell 脚本编译为独立的可执行文件 *binary*(即不仅仅是例如 chmod 755)?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!