


Is there a way from Linux userspace to replace the pages of a mapped file (or mmap'd pages within a certain logical address range) with empty pages (mapped from /dev/null, or maybe a single empty page, mapped repeatedly over the top of the pages mapped from the file)?


For context, I want to find a fix for this JDK bug:



To summarize the bug: it is not currently possible to unmap files in Java until the JVM can garbage collect the MappedByteBuffer that wraps an mmap'd file, because forcibly unmapping the file could give rise to security issues due to race conditions (e.g. native code could still be trying to access the same address range that the file was mapped to, and the OS may have already mapped a new file into that same logical address range).


I'm looking to replace the mapped pages in the logical address range, and then unmap the file. Is there any way to accomplish this?

(如果您也知道在其他操作系统(尤其是Windows和Mac OS X)中执行此操作的方法,则将获得奖励.)

(Bonus points if you know a way of doing this in other operating systems too, particularly Windows and Mac OS X.)

请注意,这不一定是原子操作.主要目标是从关闭文件中分离出内存的取消映射(或将读取的页面内容替换为映射的文件内容)与关闭文件,因为这将解决两个Linux上的一连串问题. Windows和Windows(每个文件在映射时无法删除的事实)的最低限制.

Note that this doesn't have to be an atomic operation. The main goal is to separate the unmapping of the memory (or the replacing of the mapped file contents with zero-on-read pages) from the closing of the file, since that will solve a litany of issues on both Linux (which has a low limit on the number of file descriptors per process) and Windows (the fact you can't delete a file while it is mapped).




On Linux you can use mmap with MAP_FIXED to replace the mapping with any mapping you want. If you replace the entire mapping the reference to the file will be removed.


07-17 04:19