

对于使用Xamarin的蓝牙项目(Android API 21及更高版本),我想知道与蓝牙设备建立绑定是否常见.当前的要求是:

For a Bluetooth project with Xamarin (Android API 21 and up) I would like to know if it is common to create a bond with a Bluetooth device. The current requirements are:

  • Bluetooth设备经常使用,但不能连续使用.
  • 重新连接应该尽快发生
  • 关闭设备电源后,蓝牙地址会随机更改
  • 设备名称未知,为空或随机
  • 连接已加密
  • 该连接使用上层API,该API需要将Bluetooth设备作为连接参数.


Should one create a bond with this device for "better" recognition (as some sort of cache) or reconnect to the device "from scratch".What is common in this scenario? SO it is not a question of "Can I bond", but is it necessary to bond, or even better: what is a coorect and working, reliable scenario.


Currently I use code like this (result.Device.Name is for dev purposes):

  public override void OnScanResult([GeneratedEnum] ScanCallbackType callbackType, ScanResult result)

        if (result.Device.Name == "��" &&

            !_discovered &&
          result.ScanRecord != null &&
          result.ScanRecord.ServiceUuids != null &&
          result.ScanRecord.ServiceUuids.Any(x => x.Uuid.ToString().ToUpper() == uuid))
            lock (_locker)
                _discovered = true;



Short answer: the correct, common, and reliable scenario is to bond. Bonding means the connection is secure and the link is trusted. It means that your local device will usually find the remote device even if its address is changing. Pairing/bonding is recommended practice in Bluetooth for security and privacy reasons.


Long answer: since its introduction, incremental versions of the Bluetooth spec have added features to improve the security and privacy of Bluetooth devices. Many devices will not allow you to exchange data or properly track them unless you are paired/bonded (The difference between bonding and pairing is that with bonding, the exchanged keys are stored in the database.)


In Bluetooth Low Energy, the pairing/bonding process consists of three stages:-



The two connected devices exchange their IO capabilities (e.g. does the device have a keyboard), authentication requirements (e.g. to bond or not to bond) and supported key sizes.



Using encryption algorithms a key is generated and used to encrypt the link (this is different for legacy and LESC pairing, but it is beyond the scope of this question).



Several keys are exchanged between the devices including the CSRK (Connection Signature Resolving Key), the IRK (Identity Resolving Key) and the static address.

对您的问题特别重要的是IRK和地址.从Bluetooth v4.0开始,称为"LE隐私" 的功能允许该设备不断更改其地址以降低其跟踪能力.恶意设备将无法跟踪实现此功能的设备,因为它实际上看起来像一系列不同的设备. 为了解析地址,设备需要预先配对/绑定.如果远程设备包含IRK,则可以使用该IRK和随机可解析地址来导出蓝牙设备的原始地址.

Of particular importance to your question is the IRK and the address. Since Bluetooth v4.0, a feature known as LE Privacy allowed the device to continuously change its address to reduce its track-ability. Malicious devices would not be able to track the device implementing this feature, as it actually looks like a series of different devices. In order to resolve the address, the devices need to be previously paired/bonded. If the remote device contains the IRK then it can use that and the random resolvable address to derive the Bluetooth device's original address.


So, going over your criteria:-

  • Bluetooth设备经常使用,但不能连续使用.


If you are going to disconnect/reconnect frequently, you can pair once with the device and store the keys (i.e. bond). Pairing is no longer needed afterwards as the same keys will be used to encrypt the connection upon disconnection/reconnection.

  • 重新连接应该尽快发生


Connection and bonding are two different things. It will take the same amount of time to reconnect regardless of bonding being implemented. However, once the devices are reconnected, it will take some time for the connection to be re-encrypted.

  • 关闭设备电源后,蓝牙地址会随机更改


This means that the device is utilising the LE privacy feature. Therefore your device should be bonded with it in order to resolve the private resolvable address.

  • 设备名称未知,为空或随机


This is usually the case with BLE. The devices are usually identifiable via their address. As such if your devices have previously bonded you will be able to resolve the changing address and identify the remote device.

  • 连接已加密


You cannot achieve an encrypted connection without pairing first (as per the 3 phases above). With bonding you are storing the keys in your database, therefore ensuring that you can use them in the future to re-encrypt the connection without having to go over the pairing phases.

  • 该连接使用需要蓝牙设备的上层API作为连接参数.
  • The connection uses an overlying API that requires a Bluetooth Deviceas parameter for connection.


I am not sure what this means, but is irrelevant to the requirement for bonding.


For further reading on the subject, I recommend visiting the Bluetooth Specification Version 5.0, Vol 3, Part H, Section 2 Security Manager (page 2295)


07-17 04:04