


I'm trying to understand what happens when you make concurrent access to a pointers methods?


I have a map of pointers and spawn off a few go routines. I pass the map into each go routine and each go routine will use one of the values in the map. Nothing is being written to the map only being read from.


The map is small, only 4 keys so it's possible that more than one go routine will be using the same value from the map.


Question is, what happens when two go routines call a method of the same pointer? Will I get unpredictable results?



Example: I'm taking out the map portion as that's not the question I'm after.

我有 foo ,它是类型为 MyStruct 的指针,并且此结构具有接受参数的方法 DoSomething .在 main 函数中,我创建了两个 go例程,它们都通过不同的值调用 foo.DoSomething .在此示例中,第一次执行例程要进行的计算要比第二次执行例程大得多(仅在此处使用睡眠时间来模拟计算).同样,结构中的任何内容都没有改变,我只调用了structure方法.当第一个go例程仍在使用该方法时,我是否需要担心第二个go例程对 foo.DoSomething 的调用?

I have foo which is a pointer of type MyStruct and this structure has a method DoSomething that takes arguments. In the main function I'm creating two go routines and both of them make calls to foo.DoSomething passing different values. In this example the first go routine has a much larger calculation to preform than the second one (just using sleep times here to simulate calculations). Again nothing in the structure is changing I'm only making a call to the structures method. Do I have to worry about the second go routine making a call to foo.DoSomething when the first go routine is still working with the method?

package main

import (

type MyStruct struct {

func (self *MyStruct) DoSomething(value int) {

    log.Printf("%d Start", value)

    calculation_time := time.Duration(value) * time.Second
    log.Printf("%d Calculating", value, calculation_time)

    log.Printf("%d Done", value)

func main() {

    var foo = new(MyStruct)

    go foo.DoSomething(5)

            // is this method call a problem when the first one is still working?
    go foo.DoSomething(2)

    time.Sleep(time.Duration(6 * time.Second))



Go methods have receivers. Receiver can be a pointer type. A method with the signature, for example:

func (r *R) foo(bar baz) // A method

is the same as

func foo(r *R, bar baz) // A plain old function


In other words, the receiver, pointer or not, is just an argument slot. Your question now reduces to:


A: It depends. Problem configurations:

如果 foo 避免了上述tar坑,那么对于由多个goroutine并发执行(即使具有相同的r值)也是安全的.

If foo avoids the above tar pits then it is safe for being executed concurrently by multiple goroutines even with the same value of r.

