这对我来说很有意义.但是为什么 Django 使用元组而不是列表进行设置呢?示例:
This makes sense to me. But why does Django use tuples and not lists for settings? Example:
Isn't this (and all the other settings) a perfect case semantically for a list?
基于 user1474837 到 Django 的有用链接票 在这个问题上,很明显,元组用于向后兼容从一开始就完成设置的方式,由于相信元组比列表更快,因此使用元组.(根据票务讨论中引用的数据,它们是,但只是非常轻微.)
Based on user1474837's helpful link to the Django ticket on this question, it seems clear that tuples are used for backwards compatibility with the way settings were done from the start, which was with tuples due to the belief they were faster than lists. (They are, but only very slightly, according to data cited in the ticket discussion.)
具体来说,Django 文档曾经说过:
Specifically, Django docs used to say:
在后面的讨论中,一位 Django 核心开发人员指出:
Later in the discussion, a Django core developer notes:
Note the word "purely" in the original documentation -- which if taken at face value would mean indicating settings are immutable is not a reason tuples are used. Also note someone in the ticket discussion references settings as "sort of" immutable, so it's not even clear settings are in fact immutable.
P.S. For interest, note the ticket resolution ends with:
更改了编写您自己的设置"建议以提及 Django使用元组,但不推荐它.这可能会阻止无尽的元组与列表的辩论.
这篇关于为什么 Django 使用元组进行设置而不是列表?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!