本文介绍了不能“send_message"在 Telegram Bot API 中的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


在我自己的库中,我尝试使用来自 Telegram Bot API 的 "sendMessage" API 方法发送消息.我创建了一个名为my_channel123"的频道,我的用户名为my_username123".所以我是频道的管理员,也是唯一的用户.

In my own library I'm trying to send a message using "sendMessage" API method from Telegram Bot API. I've create a channel titled, say, "my_channel123" and my user name is "my_username123". So I'm an admin of the channel and the only user.

当我尝试从机器人向整个频道或我自己发送消息时,我收到错误 Bad request 400.这是我尝试这样做的方法:

When I'm trying to send a message to the whole channel or myself from a bot, I get an error Bad request 400. Here's how I'm trying to do that:

my_bot.send_message(chat_id="@my_channel123", text="tetfdsfd")

# or
my_bot.send_message(chat_id="@my_channel123my_username123", text= "tetfdsfd")

# or
my_bot.send_message(chat_id="@my_username123", text="tetfdsfd")

我相信错误出在频道 ID 或用户名或两者的格式中.所有这 3 个调用都正确吗,这意味着我用于 chat_id 的格式是否正确?

I believe the error is somewhere in the format of the ids of the channel or user name or both. Are all these 3 calls correct, meaning is the format I use for chat_id correct?

请注意,最有可能的情况是聊天的 ID 或用户名(或者更确切地说,格式)或其他内容因为我库中的其他 post 和 get 方法可以正常工作.

Note that most likely the probable case is the id of the chat or user_name (or rather, the format) or something else because other post and get methods in my library work properly.



You have to add the bot to be an administrator of the channel before it can send messages to the channel. After you do that, your first line should work:

my_bot.send_message(chat_id="@my_channel123", text="tetfdsfd")

还要记住,@ 后面的内容应该是频道用户名,而不是标题.

Also remember that whatever follows the @ should be the channel username, not the title.

这篇关于不能“send_message"在 Telegram Bot API 中的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

07-17 03:18